History lesson: Brian wrote these comics starting in early 2002, and Stephen, his roommate at the time, acted as the artist. The original comic was intended for the local college paper, but the idea quickly evolved into a webcomic. Using the characters from the half-written comic, Legendary Legend was born. Brian's unparalleled enthusiasm over the comic left Stephen burnt out quickly enough, but Brian convinced him to give it another go, which resulted in the creation of Val Salia. The same thing more or less happened again, and the comic was put on permanent hiatus for well over 2 years. Then in late 2005, Brian took a road trip full of magical adventure and self-discovery, and decided to learn to draw and do the comic himself.
A few months later, Val Salia was reborn into the comic it is today. Here's everything that was made beforehand.

The Legendary Legend RPG



1. Val Salia Fact Sheet of Fun and Sexual Excitement
2. Love Triangles
3. Brian molests your eyes

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Val Salia©®™¥ ( 2003-2004) and all images, characters, psychological property, phrases that may somehow become popular in internet subculture, and any general feelings of enjoyment felt upon viewing this comic belong to and are copyright of Brian Harrigan (Story, web design and maintainence) and Stephen Simmons (Art, which is really most of the stuff you actually would consider stealing, you little thieves).

Violating this highly protected and divine holy law will impart upon Nick (Military intelligence, emotional support) the duty of tracking your web address, hiking to your front door, fooling your mother into thinking he's one of your friends, and sneaking into your room to break open your computer and extract the stolen files forcefully with a pair of incredibly small tweezers. He will then steal your immortal soul and wear it as a hat at festive Spanish dinner parties.