For a species whose “herd” is their lifeline, shunning and banishment is a powerful form of punishment, and so yinglets will go to great lengths to avoid upsetting their enclave.
For a species whose “herd” is their lifeline, shunning and banishment is a powerful form of punishment, and so yinglets will go to great lengths to avoid upsetting their enclave.
Oh boy here we go.
I love that we are going to be seeing more Lopin. Does this mean Lopin will need a change of wardrobe to reflect his new status, maybe one of those Yinglet maid outfits we saw earlier or just a colar. And I have a feeling Kass is going to vent a lot of frustration on him in the coming weeks. And I also have a feeling it is going to be hilarious.
On an additional note something quite obvious tells me Narklet is hiding something, something that Vizlet and Kass are going to want to find out. And I am looking forward to what finding out what that is.
Probably a red uniform of lesser stature.
Omigawd, someone has GOT to draw him in the maid getup! XD
Not if I beat ’em to it
I need that in my life. xD
I hope you do!
I would enjoy seeing that immensely.
Okay now zis is interesting, Lopin is now Kass’s assistant/yinglet coach (assuming zat last one as Kass will need some help zere still) and evidence zat yinglets know about zese artifacts. Great now I really want to know more. At least Lopin will be okay, if not having an easy time, zough Kass may come to like zat guy. Okay, done with yinglet typing, I have to say I really love this comic, all the characters are lovable (when they are supposed to be) and feel real. I love how you have captured Kass’s emotions in both words and unspoken motion.
Thanks! And “yinglet coach” is a great term for Lopin’s new position, yes.
I sense *smek* in the future, once out of sight. Fancy smek, but smek none the less. What’s the sound of a yinglet kicking? Penk? Penk. *aggressive ratbird stomping*
– Yinglet MMA
I thought it was “tip tip tip tip tip tip” (
oh my god a new page! 😀 I swear to god I’ve been visiting the last page almost every day for the last one week to check if it was updated 030
You too?
Just daily? I have been a long time reader and recently got my friend to read it. And since then its been a 5 times a day check minimum.
Daaaamn, that’s a lot of refreshing! It’s great to hear that people look forward to these things, but don’t torture yourselves! I usually get these pages done in the late afternoon/evening, so checking in the morning and/or night is probably the most reliable way to catch ’em.
I told him he has a problem and tried to stage an intervention, I wound up reading the page…
Unless… they’really visiting one a day to vote for you on TWC. I vote twice a day myself, once on my phone’s Internet, and once on my wifi
I would recommend an RSS feeder! It’ll tell you when an update happens, saves a lot of driving yourself crazy 😛
Interesting, I thought this artifact information would be something Vizlet wants concealed from the humans, yet here she is handing an informant to an outsider. My guess is she wants the information too, it’s something the patriarch council is hiding from her, and she’s hoping to get it through Kass while also strengthening their alliance.
I feel like Narklet isn’t falling for her ruse though, perhaps he’s just curious to see it play out.
Wait, no, they tracked down Lopin on Vizlet’s orders, so he was being delivered to her? Narklet just happened to be there? So everyone but the (ex)humans are relatively on the same page?
Since Narklet governs scavenging, and thus the finding of artifacts, he had a vested interest in the situation, but this was Vizlet’s matter originally, and she is in charge when it comes to cultural matters and diplomacy. So Narklet is simply differing to her on the matter?
…but then it comes back around to wondering why Vizlet wants Kass to have Lopin, dang it.
Yesss, keep up that theorizing! I enjoy giving juuuust enough info to hint at what’s going on, so that the observant can catch on. Without giving anything away, you’re definitely on the right track.
I get the feeling Vizlet wants information out of him about the artifact. so she wants to keep him available. If he is executed, cant get anything out of a corpse. If he is banished, he may leave the region and thus be out of her influence. This way, she can still banish him as proper punishment, AND, keep him available to provide information. Also, possibly work in her favor to further her relationship with the humans in charge of the region.
I’m coming from the angle that Narklet from the United Southern Tribes is the equivalent of the Political Officers of the Soviet Military, making sure the officers are adhering to the political doctrine. That being said, there is clearly a collusion afoot, and Vizlet is on the outside judging from the genuine shock when she realized Kassen was a human. Letting Narklet have his way with Lopin would continue the secrecy, and while she cannot confront Narklet openly, she can, and is, subverting his efforts without being overt. Lopin seems to be the low man on the totem pole as far as being on the inside of the conspiracy, but inside none the less. How deep Lopin & Narklets involvement, and how big the conspiracy runs? We’ll have to patiently wait for more clues.
Although… you then have to start to wonder, how much is it a conspiracy that will actually be revealed later in the story, and how much is it a plot device for the artist to gratuitously delve into a TF/TG story. But I will hand it to him, he has faithfully excluded magic from the entire story so far.
Maaaan it’s comments like these that make me wish I could spoil all the workings going on in the background without spoiling anything.
All I can say at this point is congrats at picking up on a lot of subtle clues!
In terms of political/social power/clout, if I understand it correctly, the matriarch has more power and influence than any one patriarch, but the combined patriarch council has more power than the matriarch by a significant margin?
More or less! The Matriarch is more of a “head momma” and cultural/spiritual leader of an enclave (and is the gatekeeper of breeding), whereas the Patriarchs command the main operations of the enclave.
Actually fairly complicated and yet simple. So Vizlet has a lot of power and authority, but its not absolute so she has to watch herself. Can’t just go breaking rules because its convenient.
Which leads me to my earlier theorizing above. By banishing Lupin to house Ravonmoth, she pleases the patriarchs because the rules are still followed and punishment appropriately handed out, while still keeping Lupin under her influence to a degree.
Ivenmoth *
Yup, good theorizin’ there!
Does this mean Lopin will no longer be a fancy lad? Heresy of the highest order!
Hey now, his fanciness is part of his soul, and can never be removed.
You can take the lad out of the fancy, but you can never take the fancy out of the lad.
Now i know it has nothing to do with the current story arc but… I had a burning question I had to ask… If yinglets find farts so amusing do they fart themselves or are they like a bird and incapable of it so find it amusing?
Ha! Here’s a question I never expected to be asked, yet have an answer for anyway. They just make soundless, airy little things, which is one reason human farts are so funny by comparison.
So no squeakers like little balloons deflating? Well makes sense, I always thought it was because ours were so… *ahem* diverse for auditory properties.
Keep in mind, ours get a lot of noise due to the size of our rump flapping in the… *ahem* wind. They don’t have the butts we do due to their tail.
… I really over think things…
Energic and Emphatic Wink,Activate!!! :V
It takes a lot of leveling up for a Matriarch to achieve that skill level.
Another theory on the artifacts is that the yinglet started out as a different species. So they know of the artifacts in the yinglet controlled territory. And it’s all linked to the lesser yinglet in some way. Possibly from the wizards the mentioned a few times experimenting on the lab bird rats. But that’s just a speculation.
What if all natural born Yinglets are male, and all females actually started out as humans. It’s their best kept secret, and it explains why males outnumber females so drastically, and why females live in relative isolation. They “recruit” females from other species to keep their species alive.
Then again the whole mentioning wizard thing is prolly from the shards of confusion fan comic. I started rereading the early parts of oops that I thought I remembered them mentioning the myths of magic, I remembered wrong. But I caught something I didn’t the 4 or 5 times I reread the comic. The artifacts are found after the passing of the wandering moon… yinglet are aliens!
Sorry Traveling moon.
Yessss; keep theorizing! Enough different theories, and at some point down the line SOMEone’s going to be able to say “I totally called that!”
If Narklet was sent to keep an eye on things, then he should be observant enough to spot those winks, and the fact that he just got yinglet-equivalent-of-cockblocked pretty badly. Honestly his general demeanor suggests that Vizlet may be badly underestimating him as he seems far more controlled and far less excitable than any other Yinglet we’ve seen besides Vizlet herself. If so I’d be really interested to see him interacting with Kass.
That definitely could be!
Now more importantly, did you decide on that username based on the boss from the wonderful old game The Guardian Legend?
That could definitely be!
Because it is. I’m not good at being coy.
Geez, if she winked any louder you actually be able to hear it.
I imagine it being sort of a soft wet “plap”
I love that sound.
I just now noticed the long eyebrow whiskers the Yinglets have. Would be handy to have in dark.
And they are!
Except when they aren’t.
Weird question, Vizlet’s name pronounced like viz-let or viz-lay?
It’s actually pronounced “Whuisslehhh”
Naw, it’s just Viz-lit. They aren’t sophisticated enough for soft syllables yet.
Whuisslehhh sounds like the name of the main character of a really pretentious screenplay done up by a hipster for the sole purpose of being able to say he’s working on a “really big screenplay”. xD
Understandable. Though I also would’ve understood if it was a soft syllable because of the majority yinglets replacing th’s with Z’s to promote the impression of fancyness.
Hardest. Wink. Ever!
Holy tapdancing jesus on a pogo stick.
I love this comic.
It’s fantastic.
The locations are fleshed out beautifully, the races (Yinglets especially) are very well thought out and explained.
I’m half tempted to make a yinglet OC.
This is a rare thing because I’ve only done that with ponies before.
tldr: this is beautiful, keep going you wonderful bastard, and godspeed.
Ah, the old wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Kass needs to learn this form of non-verbal communication (or at the very least, understand why the Matriarch wants her(him) to take Lopin back to Ivenmoth.