They don’t all ack, that one’s just special
Thanks as usual to Raptie for handling the character coloring and shading on this page!
They don’t all ack, that one’s just special
Thanks as usual to Raptie for handling the character coloring and shading on this page!
They’re basicly run like a orphanage. You turn 16 or 18 and out you go
Basically! Except replace those numbers with “1 or 2”
they grow fast then?
They have to, Yinglets have an R-type reproductive strategy
Not entirely, they still reproduce many times throughout their lives.
They are clearly Type K. While modern man is the most extreme example of a type K species. They Yiglets are clearly a type K if not also an extreme example (though less extreme than modern man). A type R species expects to lose well over 99% of it’s offspring, as such they do not spend any effort raising them and just pump out lots of them. Examples include trees, oysters, and fruit flies. To learn more see
I believe this philosophy of child-rearing is known as a creche. Instead of individual parents raising their own children, the children are brought to a central nursery and treated as the offspring of the village with designated nannies to tend to the children. The kids may or may not know who their biological parents are.
Considering the [I]extreme[/I] variance in gene expression and phenotypes, they may NEVER know who their biological parents are.
What is the younglet on Kasses face tossing up. These things don’t breast feed do they? It’s white and looks kind of chunky.
Dear merciful terrorfying forevers! What level of the endless pit spawn there?!
Sorry, I amuse myself.
I’ll stop posting this gibrish.
The females do have breasts.
can’t imagine how well they’d breastfeed with that front tooth :/ maybe the caregivers mush up seafood or small critters for them? God forbid they do the whole bird-thing where they regurgitate meals for the little ones…
They could suck with the sides of their mouths. Heck, the facial muscles might even make doing that easier. Its easy to explain away when it’s a different species.
Playing the species-card, are we? Very well :p
idk maybe the “teething” stage is when they stop an all milk diet and move to more solid food
That could explain why the one on Kass’s head is hurling right now… poor baby isn’t used to solid foods yet.
Their front tooth isn’t very developed yet, nor is their snout too elongated; they wouldn’t be that much trouble to the wet nurse. Mammals that naturally hurt their mothers’ breasts with developed teeth is also not unheard of.
Rodents suckle, and they grow up to have huge front teeth. The young simply do not have the massive teeth growing in yet. Not for a few weeks anyway.
What? Have you not heard of the legendary matriarch yinglet Kalakeeh? Of course they have breasts!
Probably tried to eat something grain-based.
Wow. They are both adorable, but also horrifying. Tristar Godzilla babies all over again
You mean the Jurassic Park Velociraptor?
At least Kas’ motherly instincts haven’t kicked in…
On the bright side, non of the hatchlings’ faces are kicked in.
Last comic post showed that Kass isn’t a kicker, he’s a strangler :3
Aaaaawwwwwww <D
Questions: Is there a map of some of the major locations (Val Salia, the EYinglet Enclave, etc.), and if not would the author consider making on please? How long has it been since Kass was turned into a Yimglet? What is the average lifespan of a Yinglet (not including accidents)? How long it takes for a yinglet to mature?
Some of those I can answer.
“How long has it been since Kass was turned into a Yinglet?”
A week at most.
“What is the average lifespan of a Yinglet?”
About 30 to 40 years.
“How long does it take for a yinglet to mature?”
Well, since their average lifespan is shorter than a human’s due to a higher metabolism, their maturation speed would likely be proportionally shorter. I’m going to make an educated guess and say probably 5 to 8 years.
Or they could more like birds, such as the parrots, eagle, or gull, which reach full size a couple months after hatching, yet can live many decades. The more foolish yinglets could be just too young for their brains to have fully developed. Before you say this seems odd, remember that many clues point to them being artificially uplifted from the lesser yinglet, so evolution had nothing to say about this awkward arrangement.
Yeah i was really puzzled by Mark’s assertion they live 30-40 years. Valsalia has been intentionally witholding the information, and we can’t assume anything about a fantasy race. DnD elves mature in 25 years, and they live for a thousand.
30-40 years is an educated guess on my part. They have a faster metabolism than humans, and usually “faster metabolism” means “shorter life expectancy”. That’s not even counting all the accidental ways Yinglets can die, such as getting eaten by stray dogs, or panicking and running off a wall, or having a drunken human fall on top of them. Kass herself has said that she “probably won’t live as long now, either” (page 47).
Having said that, the key word is average. There will be outliers, like any Yinglet that drank “healthy healthy juice” before the secret was lost, the matriarchs, and at least some (or all) of the patriarchs. For example, patriarch Figgins. who already appears to be significantly older than average.
Also, as stevo pointed out, there are clues to them being artificially uplifted. I would wager that over the generations, their average life expectancy will continue to increase, at least partly due to the matriarchs’ ability to select for desirable traits, and partly due to the artificial nature of the uplift.
Pretty much! It’s a bit rare for one to reach old age due to their high-risk lifestyle, but with decent nutrition and no unforeseen accidents, the average ying will live to be around 30, though there’s a pretty high rate of variance; some live fast and hard and burn out around 20, wereas nobody even KNOWS how old Patriarch Figgins is at this point.
I hope you address this in-comic!
Then due to her high IQ compared to other Yinglets then its more likely for Vis to live to a ripe old age since she’s smart enough to know when not to take a risk and do something stupid.
Considering their high levels of variance in their race it probably wouldn’t be too uncommon for there to be outliers to that figure, I figure, too?
Provided their slower metabolism and aging allowed them to live through childhood at all, because if the mothers or nurses dropped them off outside too early they’d likely die.
Would this be anything like life expectancy of peasants in the middle ages? The average life expectancy was only 20-25 (it actually dropped during the Renaissance) because of high infant death rates and child death rates. Someone that managed to get to 30 had a very high chance of at least living to 60.
So adorable! Possible explanation for zhe one on Kass head is zhat he was zhe first one zhat got ups, zhen he pulled himself onto Kass face. Unfortunately, zhat also put pressure onna full belly and HURGH. Zhe yellow one is jealous zhat the grey and black one got uppies and now zhey want uppies too. I see nozhing but pure adorableness here. Even wizh zhe ‘Ack’s and hurghs.
Anyone who’s worked at a daycare will know all about the ol’ ack-n-hurgh
Hello from Russia! Your comic in top-1 in
Of course, artist played Babies Card, a sure winner.
Nah. Speaking honestly our translation is wery far behind at least 20-25 pages. So we just honest people
I just got into this series tonight and i love it so much. XD can’t wait for the next chapter.
Those babies are a ravenous swarm of locusts. Just eating and screaming and grabbing and poking and pulling and drooling and two have cradle rash. How do you get cradle rash when you sleep in a suitcase!?
Like fat hairy toads.
More like downsy kittens
I have to ask.
Is the Yinglady whaching the month olds, older?
She seems like, and possibly looks like she might be elderly in some way.
I dont think thats Yinglady … only ladies shown were that bimbo harem and matriarch. I think it was said that females were rare.
There is big chance its a YingMan
Oh poor Kassie …
Either way I get the feeling he/she is older.
Because they’re grey furred and dressed in grey? Think that may be why you’re assuming older.
Maybe it means they are older, idk.
The grey is what was giving me that feeling. Your right.
He’s under middle-aged for a ying, but is an albino!
Is an albino as rare for them as it is for other species? Or is it even less common?
Hmm my curiosity is peaked.
Albino would also explain how well covered the fellow is. For an albino, being in the sun much is painfull. Yes, even for furry critters. Might wanna give him some ear covers or hes going to start loosing them quick if he spends any time in the sun. You see it all the time with albino cats and dogs, thay start loosing the tips of there ears do to sun damage, and basicly cancer.
Younglets, kinda adorable, and that is sooo very much a daycare thing. Something to remember, being female, even having kids, does not mean you would find such siduations adorable.
Oh good, I was afraid it was from constantly being kept in the darkened environment.
Vizlet seems to be missing her pupils, I’m sure it’s a glasses/lighting thing but it makes her look blind
She is looking to the side in the first few shots. They are to the side.
oh no I’m mistaken! I see them now, she’s just looking to her extreme side, with those big eyes plus slit pupil it looks like the side of her eye, my bad disregard.
Babies do just what babies use to do :3 I wonder if Kass haz comparable experience with humans. It looks like he has none, or he wouldn’t be that confused. It looks the same except their better physical state to the correlating age which implies: 10 times more active and fast with the same intelligence… like very, VERY hyperactive kindergarten humanz with a touch of ADHD maybe… or just without it. Like sorta 2 months old kitties which are baby-sized and not kitty-sized. So they’re kind and pretty, just way more vigorous than you’d like them to be! XD
(Another hello from where I saw your story, thanks a lot for it! <3 It's really very very nice, touching, and full of detail. Fun, social issues, a detective story, vivid characters, cool graphics… The list of OOPs' merits might be very long, let's just say EVERYTHING is cool!)
So, at dinner, I came up with the thought of Yinglets attempting to remake The Fifth Element, because my brain works in strange and horrifying ways… and it progressed to trying to fit the characters into Star Wars… just thought I’d put that out there for everyone else to deal with.
I can picture Yinglet Yoda…. “feel za Force”
I want a Yinglet version of Horror Rocky Picture Show then.
This would greatly amuse me.
Rocky Horror Picture Show*
It’s like a waterfall! Can someone please turn this off?
Do I want to know what the orange one is doing to Kass’ tail or am I to assume Kass will have that dress burned twice when she gets back home.
Probably just chewing like how all or most babies chew various things that are not supposed to be chewed. You pervert.
So the dress will only be burned once then. And to be fair we don’t know what a month is in yinglet developmental time.
Quite a bit of Fluids from one so small.
But seriously Vislet is really really impressive. She traveled the world and learned on her own. She keeps her composure at all times. She sees the big picture and her place in it; she plans tactically and maneuvers patriarchs when they’re thrust upon her. She holds her own in a smekking match with a former human. She’s so on top of her shit it’s tough to remember she’s a yinglet.
Maybe she wasn’t always a yinglet…
Love the comic love the species I’m gonna support this when I get the funds
this is the best webcomic, keep it up
Awww, Ack-Ack wants uppies!
I hope the sweet little thing don’t end up with the name Ack.
Only if it grows up to write fanfiction about worms.
I think yellow is the sweetest!
IIRC yinglet lifespan is discussed in the “extra” pages/stories. The field guide, or something. I’ve slept many times since seeing it.
more! D: ack ack ack!
Until this becomes a lesbians yinglet love affair. Complement me more female daddy.
The current comic was uploaded July 30th. The one before that… July 24th. It will soon have been an entire month since the last post. I check every day for a new upload. I… am losing… my mind.
I sniff sisterhood. Kass’s reaction to yinglet young is pretty expected, now that he has to think of what his body can do and his cagey unwillingness to start accepting the responsibility that this entails, becoming a mother outside of love, becoming a mother /instead/ of the other….
What I’m getting at here is that I am kind of hoping that Kass gets a wee crush, or something like admiration….
She already has admiration for Elim. Can that count?
Quick! Change the comic panel! Everyone is getting terrible back and leg pains from standing in one spot for so long!
I’m just pathetic enough that I check the page at least five timesa day. Ha! #nolife.
“I put the fires out.”
“You made them WORSE!”
“Worse… or better?”
Dang it, the system put that reply on the wrong comment.
Ah well at least this answers one question about the eggs.
I wondered how those long, sticklike legs could possibly fit inside an egg, even if elongated and soft-shelled like a snake’s.
Aww that little one want’s uppies.