The Trillipede eats the Cragfly in the end. The moral of the story is that trillipedes are untrustworthy.
Well that didn’t take long, did it? Honest, it was 90% done two weeks ago but then I decided what the page really needed was some photorealistic detail in the back of the tunnel on panel two, so I spend around 85 hours doing that. It’s immaculate but it’s in the shadowed area so you can’t see it.
Seriously though, turns out almost 3 weeks of guest-hosting, driving around south central USA and meeting relatives for the Thanksgiving season doesn’t leave a lotta time for work : /
Sorry about that! Back to work with me now.
And thanks as usual to Raptie for handling the character coloring and shading on this page!
and Kass is so cute when s/he smiles. ;u ;
I’m sure people will be formulating theories about how Kass is becoming more “female” somehow because he’s displaying a desire to not kill children… But you can’t really call altruism a feminine characteristic. Nothing Kass has done so far is beyond the norm of “just being a nice person.”
If anything, the desire to protect and provide for everyone, especially in a heroic fashion and regardless of personal cost, is more stereotypically seen as a desirable male behavior.
I’m of two mind with this. On the one hand, you’re absolutely right there is nothing “unmale” feeling protective about children, it’s part of how we’re built, but on the other the way it is presented here makes it seem like it is a departure from Kass’ usual MO. This, along with all the other ways his new condition has been shown to effect his mental state, makes me think this is meant to something to do with his biological maternal instincts kicking in. Or at least that is what he’s afraid of and Vislette is hoping for.
Those “maternal instincts” are likely in the realm of moving away from thoughts of “these things look absolutely disgusting”. Sort of like people who’ve not had kids will see a newborn and think “eww”.
Have a kid and suddenly they’re precious.
Ya era hora tío, joder…
Well they say questioning yourself can be healthy. Looks like Kassie is starting to kinda accept the lot in life that has been forced upon her (at least in short intervals before she questions what am I thinking). And even if Kassie isn’t ready to accept that this is her life now, that line of thought before is a sign that she can still eventually find happiness in her situation. Unless of course a cure to Kassie’s Yingletification turns up cause if it does she’ll do absolutely anything to get it, and she won’t know peace until she gets it.
And of course trillipedes are untrustworthy ant fairytale in that era will tell you that.
I missed Mr. Yay.
Hey, Simeone else already thought to calle him Mister Yay!
That’s a good name.
He shows up kinda like the “Toastyyy!” guy from Mortal Kombat.
No idea what happens if you press down and start while he’s still in the comic, though.
And I want to hug them and squeeze them and… KILL IT WITH FIRE!
Yay! An update. I’m so excited yes. Aaand, I’m done reading the page. When’s the next update? Is it ready yet? How about now? Now?
I’ve been voting every day on top webcomics.
I love the pale scav. Doesn’t matter where he is, or how inappropriate the situation are, he just likes to cheer.
I’ve personally dubbed him Yaaayinglet. That’s how he’s labeled in my reaction image folder.
Change my mind.
Captioning “Mr. Yaaay”‘s reaction on the last panel:
“When someone threatens to kill you but already gave up on life a long time ago.”
I don’t think Kass is getting more feminine it is just that he/she doesn’t want to admit to him/her self that they might be slowly starting to get used to being a yinglet, and still wants to have the human outlook on yinglets although they do not truly believe them anymore.
The concept of feminine is kinda funny in this regard;
Kass is very protective of his “family”,
They prefer things organized and clean,
Helps charity cases on principal,
And tries to hide negativity from those they love.
A lot of these can be considered “feminine” traits,
and I was only using examples BEFORE the transformation!
Agreed. I get the feeling he would have helped the runt (if he found out about it) even before his change. Was just the kind of person he was.
My point was that he is not becoming more feminine, I was trying to say that yes I believe that this was something Kass would have done before, possibly minus the whole mental breakdown afterwards though
Dude, this was supporting evidence…
I am agreeing with you?
Yeah sorry, I am used to people arguing with me
No worries,
When do we get an Invader Zim crossover? I want to see Zim fail at conquering the planet and I want to see GIR become the Yinglet King and then all the Matriarchs must band together to save their dumb males from getting even stupider under his “leadership”. Can you get ahold of Jhonen Vasquez?
I’ll work on it,
but he keeps changing Emails on me…
This sounds promising! Perhaps the next feature-film of Invader Zim will be about that. X D
You are doomed now, Kass, stop fighting it.
The Ants and the Grasshopper,
good fable.
Nothing betrays a man/woman/ratbird person like their own evil plotting brain…also Yaylet is back!…YAAAAY!
Ya sé que tenés más autoridad sobre ese personaje que el resto de nosotros pero, ¿Podemos llamarlo Mr. Yaaay?
(I know you have more authority over that character than the rest of us but, can we call him Mr. Yaaay?)
Does make one wonder what the matriarch thought she achieved in the previous panel. Was this it?
Viz wants Kass to join her tribe, and she believes that his display of empathy for the younglet that couldn’t make it out of its egg was a sign of maternal instinct that could eventually lead him to want to have kids. Kass would be an extremely valuable asset to the tribe, being outright genius by yinglet standards, potentialy having some human secrets to share, and maybe, just maybe, having a few desirable human traits to pass on.
I think hell would freeze over, get colder, and reach a whole new level of freezing before Kass would join Vizlet’s enclave and live as a leather turd factory in hole in the ground and banging male yinglets. What you’re considering here would be a sea change of mindset by Kass on an order unprecedented. That is so out in left field, its in the parking lot.
“Leather turd factory” haha! I LOVE that! Can I use it?
Anyhow, while I agree, spending weeks, months or even years in a new and uncorfortable situation can wear anyone down.
Eventually, Kassen will either find a cure for the transformation or…. move on and accept the life of a yinglet female.
What I am trying to say is…. we need to find the cure, pronto!
Or alternatively, wake up after a particularly strong clam high, and finding out that she had a round with Lopin during the egg season. Hilarity (and much screaming) ensues.
Well now, that hasn’t actually happened within the comic and already I am feeling traumatized.
Danke, RandomGeek, danke schön.
How do we know it hasn’t happened?
Huumm. I think I can see where this will go. Kass joining Viz’s enclave?
Ehh, I can’t see it. What I can see is having a yinglet ‘wehhh’ dumped on him. To be raised human-style in Invermere? ‘It’s her fault! We can’t afford to raise a baby yinglet that could not get out of the shell on it’s own! Now YOU’RE responsible….’
I think Vizlet would be THRILLED to have humans teaching scavs…or scavs taught by humans teaching scavs…
I don’t think that’s what Vizlet is hoping for. More females might be nice, but breeding isn’t the thing they need right now.
Go back to Vizlet’s very first discussion; what she wants is to build a knowledge base. What she’s excited to see is, I believe, empathy. Being protective of young yinglets is a sign that Kass is coming to see them as people rather than scavs. That means Kass is coming around to the place where they’ll be willing to work hard to advance yinglet culture and interests, which is going to mean going up against the conservative council. To do that, she needs Kass 100% on her side and ready to take risks for the cause of yinglet advancement.
I feel sorry for Elim for he’s always on the receiving end of Kass’ freak-outs. The bottom-most Left Panel looks more feminine than any other time, but it could be how he was posed to be very honest here.
I just imagine the yinglet rumor mill making Elim famous and/or mixing him up with Kass.
Honestly, I want to hear the rest of Elim’s story. Faerie tales, bedtime stories and nursery rhymes in fantasy cultures are absolutely my thing.
I concur! We need a one-of off-story panel of the story with a particularly ironic, twisted, and shocking conclusion Valsalia is known for. Makes us laugh and then feel odd, Val.
“tick tick tick tick tick tick tick”
-The biological clock
Well maybe his friend can calm him down I mean seeing a baby and wanting to save it or seeing a baby (or even being attached to a baby you saved) is something also instinctual…and emotional to humans as well. After all humans are known to feel more sympathy and save animals sometimes as well. Maybe help cheer him up.
I have a sneaking suspision that kaes will suddenly realize something if the matriarch tries to hand the baby to him that she planned for that. To have a human Raise a Yinglet.
He might have to ask his servent help…Although considering both may not know anything they might have to ask the matriarch if there were any exiled Baby Yinglet care givers since it’s probably better to have someone who knows about the needs of a baby Yinglet to help and will not likely ever return to the clan.
I dunno. Do you really want a ying pup caregiver, banished for REAL wrongdoings?
Lopin knows what Yinglets need. Can’t be too hard if it’s just one. It would definitely be an odd situation for a kid yinglet to be essentially raised by humans, AS a human single child. Worth speculation in my opinion but this comic has defied expectations before.
Still wondering if all this speculation is really got basis to stand on. I mean, would Narklet find out? Would he do anything? Yinglets are super protective of their females and young, so, the country yings around would DEFINITELY tell Narklet. And this would be prime evidence of “culture dilution.”
So my real question is, would Vizlet really find the science worth the risk, or can she operate in total secrecy after all? Through the country? The city? All the way to the Teeth?
Wondering how sneaky her scouting patriarch is….
I dunno. Do you really want a ying pup caregiver, banished for REAL wrongdoings?
Lopin knows what Yinglets need. Can’t be too hard if it’s just one. It would definitely be an odd situation for a kid yinglet to be essentially raised by humans, AS a human single child. Worth speculation in my opinion but this comic has defied expectations before. Anyways, I believe in Vizlet’s overcaution, Lopin’s vicious side alone, seen in the market upon Kass first meeting him, may have disqualified him for the job, or perhaps the nice guy nurse market is just so stacked that little things have to be considered for choices.
Stuck on this purported pup trade. Still wondering if all this speculation is really got basis to stand on. I mean, would Narklet find out? Wouldn’t he do something? Yinglets are super protective of their females and young, so, the country yings around would DEFINITELY tell Narklet. And this would be prime evidence of “culture dilution.”
So my real question is, would Vizlet really find the science worth the risk, or can she operate in total secrecy after all? Through the country? The city? All the way to the Teeth?
Wondering how sneaky Biezel really is. The scouting patron?
Aw, someone’s experiencing some character development! Try as you may, Val Salia is a good writer… You’ll be a changed Ying by the end of this comic, like it or not.
Besides, ya know, the whole “changed into a Yinglet” thing.
Is yaaay dude just going to follow Kass around and pop up when ever she is at the enclave? Super funny if he does. I love how cute Kass looks in third panel. Worth the wait.
Hey, yaaaay guy’s back!
I believe Kass is just horrified about how much his biology is determining the way he thinks.
This gender-and-species swap has made him even more aware of these changes, because things he once hated (mollusks) or even just disliked (human babies), he now finds delicious/adorable!
It would be like the entirety of who you are and know yourself to be, being completely undermined and rewritten without your knowledge or approval.
Females have certain chemical triggers to make them more fond of their young during feeding time; I can only imagine a tribe/swarm/flock based ratbird species would also have the same type of chemical triggers to make them the same.
Imagine being adverse to spicy foods, because you are overly sensitive to the chemical-stimuli-overload to your tounge(or you got sick eatting them and the taste reminds you of that incident), but suddenly loving spicy peppers and finding you wish to put them on every dish (even ice cream). Or being militantly anti-lima-bean and finding you crave its cyanide-y goodness. Your love for the colour pink turns into one for gold. Or you flip political parties from party A to B (or C or D or Waffle Biscuit)
Kass is slowly being dissolved and eatten alive, and the most horrifying thing about it, is with his reduced mental faculties (in exchange for increased senses/feels), is that the process isn’t painful, but it is in fact enjoyable!
I’m just enjoying the small joys of Mr. Yay.
Dominos pizza gave me food poisoning
But was it Yinglet dominos?
Mr. Yaaay eats at the Yinglet dominated Domino’s. He visits there so much they named his favorite pizza the Yaaay special.
Since yinglets can’t eat grain-based foods, such as bread, the pizza’s base and crust is made of solid cheese.
Double Yaaay!
tbh that sounds like the ideal pizza to me. “I’ll have a large all-cheese pizza with extra cheese and escargot topping, please.”
Crap dupe post above, so sorry! It’s late. That reloaded on my page memory. I am silly.
^^^on to actual comment
Maybe you’re thinking too much of it Kass. Or, is that really selective recollection happening here? Highly doubtfullll, *smirks* Is your heart growing a size or is it bleeding, ya liberal? Which do you feel more comfortable with?
The reactions from Kass are awesome as always, so awesome when this updates. Wish I could help my favorite artist! Alas, poor student here.
You know I can’t wait for Kazz to ask the matriarch what would have happened if he had been turned into a male Yinglet instead of a Female? THat might be interesting for a few of the short. I mean what would happen if Kazz was a male Yinglet instead of a female (I have a feeling the matriarch would try to have a plot or try to seduce him since she seems to have a thing for humans.)
Considering they want strong genes the potential of human genes mixed with Yinglet ones even if he’s transfered into baby Yinglets might be hard to pass up. I can picture Kazz probably saying, “Why doesn’t something like this happen when I’m human?”
“Elim, get your ass over here.” seems a little excessive, Kass.
I mostly see this as Kass beginning to empathize with yinglets more. Less a maternal instinct and more like…”well if these were human babies I wouldn’t leave them”. He’s getting attached. Besides, “maternal instincts” aren’t really a thing unless the person in question is pregnant.
Honestly, Kass seems like the type of person to help in this situation, even before his transformation.