Panel 3: No! What the hell is happening…
Panel 4: Eh- Stupid… teeth! Maybe if I…
Panel 7: (Indignant seething)
Panel 3: No! What the hell is happening…
Panel 4: Eh- Stupid… teeth! Maybe if I…
Panel 7: (Indignant seething)
Looks like they come equipped with a can opener! (Still cute!)
Well I mean it’s technically a “clam opener” which is just like, 2 letters’ worth of difference
At this point, does it really matter? I can totally see a yinglet being paid full time to open cans of an older style new can openers are too cheap to open without breaking, but that clamtooth would tear right though it.
It’s you! 🦊
When Kassen was trying to count, I thought of the Tootsie Pop owl. XD BTW, “th” is a digraph, not a syllable (not that it really matters here).
If yer aiming to be pedantic, it’s only a “digraph” when written. When spoken it’s a phoneme, or in the common vernacular “a sound”.
perhaps a ‘th’ syllable is a syllable containing ‘th’?
Perhaps Elim isn’t educated enough to know and use the technically correct linguistic terminology in place of colloquial vernacular.
TL;DR: It’s what the character would say.
I am just now finding this series and I love it! Really fun world-building, and I love the dark sarcasm; really brings the character to life. Thanks for sharing! Keep going!
I was considering helping on translating this comic (and extras!) into Spanish, but given that the “th” phoneme literally doesn’t exist in Spanish, this speech impediment is gonna be a bitch to translate!
Same goes for the “Ivenmoth” thing “Ivenpolilla” doesn’t sound as cool.
To translate this comic I may have to-have to-
*Holds back urge to barf*
-change some story details.
They’d probably have trouble with other sounds in Spanish. The rolled “r” for example.
Emphasize that it is Castilian spanish.
Thinking about it, any syllables that require front teeth or closing lips are going to be a problem. “F” and “V” should also be very difficult for yinglets, and “P” “M” and “B” are going to be near impossible. I had the same issue in designing speech for the Turrans, who have large canines—so their alphabet has some seldom-used characters that are very rough approximations of those sounds in human languages, mostly to render human words in Turran alphabet, but in reality are not going to be recognized by human ears as the same sounds. There are unfortunate side-issues, as well, since trying too hard to correctly pronounce those words can lead to mouth injuries and drooling.