Well hey there! The new site’s coming along nicely. There’s still a few rough edges to smooth out, but all the content should be up and available for viewing.
That being said, if you come across any errors, by all means let me know; just reply to this post.
The date on the this Test Post sais it was posted on April 26th 2015 7:36 am. I’m kinda sure it’s more like December atm, so that might count as an error… or a feature, depending on one’s point of view
I found an error while perusing the archives. The page on “http://www.valsalia.com/comic/out-of-placers/oop005/” is not accessible from “http://www.valsalia.com/comic/out-of-placers/oop004/” by clicking the Next button. It causes a “400 Bad Request” error.
That that bad link from “oop004” to “oop05” was the only issue I found while re-reading the comic.