Kalgkur compensates for the not-at-all expressive face with a very, VERY expressive body! And as a Baxxid, he is possibly only exceeded in Body by Isher.
(Isher x Kalgkur bonding over anxiety over fierce appearances belying tender hearts ahoy!)
To us, that scream happened years ago. But to Kass, it might as well have happened yesterday… though it’s very vague in terms of how many in-universe days have passed since that initial incident. I’m guessing at minimum 1 month, and at maximum half a year.
Whether or not you’re joking, this is evidently incorrect, as Kass is writing to themself on page 294 that it’s been a couple weeks since anything bad has happened to them. This definitely infers to an off-screen time jump, so there’s no really knowing how much time has passed since the incident.
Yes, and Ran says in Oops 286 that the “incident in the alley” where Elim killed most of Brakka’s gang was “a couple of weeks ago.” So Kass has been a yinglet for at least a couple of weeks plus a few days. I think probably still less than a month.
The “Disruptive Screaming”, for reference… https://www.valsalia.com/comic/out-of-placers/oops-41/
Honestly it’s a bit surprising that Kass remembered it so quickly, considering it was a while ago at this point, but then again, it was a pretty noteworthy event around town…
…He literally tied himself into a knot out of embarrassment. Every panel with a baxxid in it makes me love them more.
How is the character without facial expressions easily the most expressive member of the cast?
is unknot!!
Kalgkur compensates for the not-at-all expressive face with a very, VERY expressive body! And as a Baxxid, he is possibly only exceeded in Body by Isher.
(Isher x Kalgkur bonding over anxiety over fierce appearances belying tender hearts ahoy!)
Very expressive body language makes up for near-complete lack of facial expression.
Baxxid’s facial expressions: D-Tier (the mandibles do a little)
Baxxid’s body language: S-Tier
Kalgkur’s body language: ABOVE S-Tier!
13 years old and very self-conscious about everything. Cute.
This is so cute. Both visual-wise, as well as how the plot developed.
To us, that scream happened years ago. But to Kass, it might as well have happened yesterday… though it’s very vague in terms of how many in-universe days have passed since that initial incident. I’m guessing at minimum 1 month, and at maximum half a year.
To Kalgkur, the day his scream woke the populace of Val Salia led to the most important day of his life. But to Trademaster Viracroix, it was Tuesday.
I think it’s actually like a week. :V
Whether or not you’re joking, this is evidently incorrect, as Kass is writing to themself on page 294 that it’s been a couple weeks since anything bad has happened to them. This definitely infers to an off-screen time jump, so there’s no really knowing how much time has passed since the incident.
the page in question: https://www.valsalia.com/comic/out-of-placers/oops-294/
Yes, and Ran says in Oops 286 that the “incident in the alley” where Elim killed most of Brakka’s gang was “a couple of weeks ago.” So Kass has been a yinglet for at least a couple of weeks plus a few days. I think probably still less than a month.
Wow, the scream was all the way back on page 41!
This is a VERY entertaining pairing. XD A yinglet that’s easily annoyed, and a baxxid that’s easily embarrassed.
Kalgkur has been a knotty boy.
The “Disruptive Screaming”, for reference…
Honestly it’s a bit surprising that Kass remembered it so quickly, considering it was a while ago at this point, but then again, it was a pretty noteworthy event around town…
Kass’ tails-poof BESTEST tails-poof… poovz me wongs!
*blink blinks*
Alsos… pretzel bonez-worm most HUGGABLES bonez-worm poovz me wongs! O_o
*goes to gets a clams-juice or zhree*