The Cast
The Main Cast
Hello! I’m Raptie! I am the official colorist for Out-of-Placers, and I want to thank you. Readers such as yourself are why Val and myself are able to have fun drawing and coloring these wonderfully silly little ratbirds. As a reward for your diligence in FINDING this hidden bit of message, I’m doing a little bit of commentary on each entry! 😀 Note: The opinions expressed in this commentary are my own, and are meant as a lighthearted silly little thing. <3
Kassen Akoll
Born in Dinnlan to a family of middle-class merchants, he received a basic tradesman’s education before being drafted by the Dinnish military to assist in the desperate last-stand defense of the country, which ultimately failed. Seeing that the battle was hopeless, he and Elim deserted before the final push and crept through occupied territory for weeks before eventually arriving at Val Salia, where they joined House Ivenmoth and began building a new life.
A big ol’ sweetheart! Tries to act tough and all, but we all know that Kass is a marshmallow inside.
Elim Dorelga
Born to a family of tiplod ranchers, Elim enjoyed an idyllic, peaceful country life, which he would have happily continued if not for the invasion by the Sovereignty of Beletam and the subsequent draft. He was assigned to the same squad as Kassen, and deserted with him when things turned sour. They didn’t know each other very well before that, but became incredibly close as they kept each other alive during their desperate flight from their former home.
We could all use a friend like Elim – he’s Kass’s rock, a steady constant presence.
Not much is known about Isher’s origins, except that she quietly arrived in Val Salia at some point, and struggled to find work until Kassen met her and suggested she join house Ivenmoth, offering to vouch for her. Though she is incredibly grateful to him, most of her work tends to involve being a bouncer, bodyguard, or other tasks that require her to play the role of an intimidating brute. She struggles with this, as she’s a gentle soul, and prefers to work in the Undergardens whenever possible.
Officially designated as #1 Best Girl. It’s canon!
A young indrel drone who became fascinated with humans and their culture (albeit a very distorted, fairytale view thereof) at an early age, she has left her hive in hopes of pursuing her fantasy of living among humans. Though things have been different from what she expected, they’ve certainly been interesting.
I hope she some day gets a job as a hairdresser. It’d be bliss for everyone involved!
A decently successful street merchant (at least in terms of merchants who scavenge their wares from along the beachline), Lopin is well-spoken for a yinglet, and despite his courteous and preening personality, he knows how to defend his turf. Recently exiled and placed into the service of Kassen by Matriarch Vizlet.
He is a fancy lad.
Fanciest and PRETTIEST of all lads.
Viracroix Salia
The current heir to house Ivenmoth’s small merchant empire, he guides the course of his house, as all members of the Salia bloodline have done before him. In addition to providing the city of Val Salia with a basic system of law and population management, the Salia bloodline has always pursued “enlightening” ends in addition to trade, such as astronomy, cartography, and the study of natural life. Viracroix is particularly enamored with the pursuit of knowledge, and has publicly described himself as more of a seeker of enlightenment than a Trademaster. Several local trade houses interpreted this as a weakness, and attempted to cut into house Ivenmoth’s trade routes, before being swiftly and effectively outmaneuvered by Viracroix, who then absorbed them into his own trade empire. It is unknown if Trademaster Viracroix had spoken in earnest in his earlier public announcement, or was simply laying bait.he only thing more frightening than his scowl is his smile.
he only thing more frightening than his scowl is his smile.

A young baxxid male, somewhat shy and preferring to avoid confrontations, recently thrown into great complications after unintentionally waking up half the city. Greatly enjoys the craftsmanship of Nell, a local sculptor.
Ran Ste-Su G’Mindel
A man of many talents, with a mind ever-driven towards the accumulation of knowledge and the advancement of human understanding of the world. Trademaster Viracroix has granted him an extensive patronage of sorts, where he is free to theorize, experiment and dabble to his heart’s content. Much of his findings are documented and shared with the Val Salian public, in the form of the Val Salian Regional Field Guides.
I want to marry Ran and then we’ll have lots of smart scientist children and I will be happy forever. Ran is mine! MINE I SAY.
The Val Salian Yinglet Enclave
Matriarch Vizlet
A fairly self-composed and educated yinglet (in itself a very rare thing), Vizlet is the Matriarch of Val Salia’s yinglet enclave. She is in charge of the local yinglet population’s interactions with the few females within the enclave, putting her in a unique position of power, which she uses towards many ends.. She is also the only female allowed to travel in public without an escort group.
Currently tied in first place with Ran for “Best Gendo Pose.”
Patriarch Poak
The giant (for a yinglet) Patriarch overseeing the storage, preservation, and organization of the enclave’s foodstuffs. Also an accomplished cook.
Val Salia’s biggest, most precious cinnamon roll. In all senses of the term.
Patriarch Kattajak
Patriarch of the enclave’s hunters, which also doubles as its military. Rather violent-minded, but also pragmatic and tactical in thought, with a fatherly streak when dealing with the other yinglets in the enclave.
Rumored to be able to judge the size of any woman’s… generosity… at a mere glance.
Patriarch Figgins
A cheerful, wise yinglet of indeterminate age (aside from “definitely old”) who has a solid grasp of basic mathematics, trade and organization. Has something of a sixth sense for trouble, and is a survivor of a great many incidents that would have claimed the life of a less quick-witted yinglet.
Ah, remember those clam cakes the old Matriarch used to make, back in the day? Patriarch Figgins remembers.
Patriarch Beizel
Patriarch of the scouts, which in most enclaves handle the scouting of the areas surrounding the enclave, but the Val Salian enclave’s scouts double as information-gatherers and spies, given its proximity to a city full of humans.
You know he’s a ninja, I know he’s a ninja, I’m pretty sure everyone knows he’s a ninja.
Patriarch Chakki
The preening and shiny Patriarch of farming. Not quite the type to get his claws dirty working the soil, yet knows a great deal about farming both the soil, and shallow streams, and is fantastic at convincing others to do the work.
Allegedly capable of making adorable noises in a variety of different circumstances, most of which seem to involve his tail.
Patriarch Narklet
A very young Patriarch sent from the central enclaves south of Val Salia, to help ensure the somewhat experimental and cosmopolitan enclave holds fast to the species’ cultural traditions, despite both its proximity to a human civilization and its distance from the main yinglet homelands.
A young, well-to-do male from the South who has very traditional values and is concerned with the old ways of life being lost under the influence of outsiders? I see what you did there Val.
The oldest of the girls after Matriarch Vizlet. Absolutely loves the styles of fashion that human nobles fancy themselves up with, and considers herself a lady of culture. Has two left hands.
I love Feeeena so much. Pekkit x Feeeena is the ship I will die for. Just… so precious, hnngh.
A somewhat wild girl, who is possibly a bit too enthusiastic about her breeding duties. While it’s natural for enclave females to flaunt their femininity, the Matriarch feels Zally may be taking that a bit too far.
Don’t stare too long into her eyes or you will see a maelstrom of madness, as the very geometry of her face defies all reason.
An incredibly cheerful and energetic girl, happy to help out with whatever the Matriarch requires. Makes a special effort to try and keep everything harmonious and smooth-running between members of the enclave.
This girl is pure sunshine and joy, I swear. DEFINITELY the yinglet equivalent of a “morning person”.
A female possessing the somewhat rare ability to read human writing, which has long been her obsession, regardless of subject. An agreement has been reached with House Ivenmoth to lend her books from its collection from time to time, since she takes such good care of them.
She is a nerd after my own heart. <3 Ya, ya!
A multi-talented, yet cripplingly anxious girl who Matriarch Vizlet works especially close with. With her ability to learn things quickly and analyze complicated problems, she would be a prime candidate to be the next Matriarch, if not for her extreme anxiety.
The Others
An exile who has been living on the streets of Val Salia for years; recently stepping into many different parties’ attentions due to his possession of an unusual artifact, followed by losing it, and then desperately attempting to regain it.
This is the ideal ying body. You might not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

Zhretta is Kalgkur’s closest childhood friend, a very driven and ambitious, and somewhat serious young female baxxid. Despite her relative youth, she is very involved with her peoples’ society and politics, hoping to achieve great things for the baxxid, and their relations with humans. She has had a crush on Kalgkur for as long as she can remember, but she isn’t great at dropping hints, and Kalgkur is a bit dense at times.

An enterprising, creative and passionate sculptor and redsmith, yet also unlucky in recent years. A long string of robberies has forced her to work with cheaper materials, and rent a smaller stall in the markets. She’s noticed Kalgkur watching her sculpt for a while, and has taken a liking to him.

Elder Varakses
One of the oldest baxxid still living, from before the times they were introduced to the concepts of civility and culture. A leader figure even back then, he was integral in forming the long-standing agreement of cooperation between his people and House Ivenmoth. Though there are two other High Elders, he is generally considered to be the single greatest of authority among their species. Though notdirectly related to Kalgkur or Zhretta, he played an important role as a mentor throughout their lives.

Elder Varakses’ young daughter, and a raging humanophile. Has a variety of wigs (real human hair!), human-ish outfits for public socializing, and a sizeable staff of attendants to help her with her dressing, makeup and accessories. Grew up with Kalgkur and Zhretta, and despite being the daughter of a High Elder, she’s known as a bit of a spoiled rich girl who is only interested in pursuing her “hobbies.”
The bunkmaster of the bunkhouse that house Ivenmoth constructed for the influx of Dinnish refugees following the war, she is Dinnish herself, and despite her bad leg and heavy drinking, she takes her job very seriously out of kindness for her fellow countrymen. She tries to make the best of the small bunkhouse, despite it being an underfunded charity that was just constructed to keep starving refugees off the streets.
Poor Felsa. No one even remembers her name half the time. I bet you probably went, “Oh wow, so THAT is her name” when you read this.
A biteleaf addict; formerly a field medic in the Dinnish military, he was one of the few that volunteered before the draft to help his country survive. He now acts as the Dinnish bunkhouse’s resident healer, when he’s not dreaming of better days in a cloud of biteleaf smoke.
Anyway, thanks again for reading and here’s hoping to many, many more years of Out-of-Placers! <3 WNDLL NSFXD ABGPO MHASL TZFKK YDHVF KXQUG CDR