Kids. EDIT: Missed a couple bits in the first upload! Specifically, Mustard-Eyes in panel 9, and Brakka in panel 11. Thanks as usual to Raptie for handling the character coloring and shading on this page!
Historical documentary for reference: Thanks as usual to Raptie for handling the character coloring and shading on this page!
Pictured: the single individual for whom the day’s events have gone pretty well Thanks as usual to Raptie for handling the character coloring and shading on this page!
Baldness can strike fear in any man’s heart, and lead a man to seek out desperate solutions. Such as believing an insect-seller’s claim that letting a certain type of mite lay their eggs in your scalp will stimulate hair growth.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
99 is a pretty significant number but since I restarted the number after the prologue section, the comic’s actually up to 120-something or something like that, something! Thanks as usual to Raptie for handling the character coloring and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
It’s technically #138 but it’s still a nice number to look at isn’t it! Thanks as usual to Raptie for handling the character coloring and shading on this page!
Many have underestimated him. Even more have been the subject of his witticisms. Thanks as usual to Raptie for handling the character coloring and shading on this page!
Head Surgeon Merrs, while an extremely capable surgeon, is not the most skilled conversationalist. Most people just let it slide, given his prestige and position. Most Raptie does colorstuff
The lesson here is that it’s probably a good idea to stab yourself a lot in order to build up areas of protective scar tissue in case of actual eventual stab-related issues. There were actually some old-timey showmen who pierced[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…