They’re called rockhoppers because they have a tendency to hop on rocks Raptie does character colors/shades
The tavern “The Lesson of Alcohol” was named out of spite and contempt. One of the several forces that was able to capture and hold the city of Val Salia for any length of time, belonged to a particularly powerful[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
It is highly suspected by many academics that the closely-guarded secrets of Baramor’s ability to produce higher-grade steel are owed to the knowledge of some Antiquities that they refuse to share with the outside world. Countless efforts have been made[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
It’s strange how often healing requires a lotta hurting. That stuff’s meant to be poured into the bandages and left to sit a minute before the bandages are removed. Raptie does character colors/shades
Val Salia is an exciting location to explore while on shore leave, free from many constraints typical of the average Monarch-nation! Be sure to visit the Trade and Entertainment districts at least once, if allowed by your Captain or employer.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
There’s a few of them, but the “claws” in those sayings tend to be metaphorical Raptie does character colors/shades
She offers a friendly ear to listen to your problems and sage advice for free, but at some point ya gotta start chargin’ Raptie does character colors/shades