Some of the recent generations of yinglets have mouths full of teeth that can do that “chewing” thing though, and it is all the rage for any Matriarch to propagate into their enclaves’ genetic footprints.
Elim has a rapidly-growing number of yinglets who appreciate him. Hey, sorry about the wait! Spent a couple weeks in South Carolina, and then got a massive sinus infection from all the South Carolina in my sinuses. But all’s well[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The esteemed Ran Ste-Su G’Mindel is a bit unusual at times, but he truly knows more about the city than just about any other. And more importantly, he isn’t afraid to ask the hard questions.
She has many wigs. It is common for well-off Baxxid to employ small teams of humans to be their “hands,” and generally assist them with things involved with fine manipulation. As such, even one human servant, and/or friend, is immensely[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Indrel arms typically don’t have much more striking power than a human’s, but their shoulder-claws can squeeze with enormous pressure. They dig this way, latching onto a handful of rock, and slowly squeezing their claws into it until it’s able[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Yinglet shellteeth are actually grown from two neighboring tooth-pits, which fuse together into a single tooth after they grow past the gum line.
There are already rumors spreading throughout the Ivenmoth ranks about all the new wierdos inhabiting Ran’s research floor.