There’s probably been more happy Kasses on this page than in the last year or so of pages Raptie does character colors and shading!
Archive for elim
They don’t bother removing your tattered clothes and/or giving you a non-rock-slab bed unless you survive the first few hours and/or have stopped bleeding profusely. Can you imagine how wasteful it would be to ruin a perfectly good bed with[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
tfw you’re annoyed that you got kicked up a wall but relieved you didn’t get skewered Raptie does character colors and shading!
It’s strange how often healing requires a lotta hurting. That stuff’s meant to be poured into the bandages and left to sit a minute before the bandages are removed. Raptie does character colors/shades
OOPs #182
Sneaky boy hears things from time to time. It’s what those big ears do. The military invasion of Ukraine is not only terrible, but it is directly affecting some in the OOPs community, such as :iconKarintina: , who is[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
OOPs #183
You will feel better after he’s performed the medicinal nursey dance procedure The military invasion of Ukraine is not only terrible, but it is directly affecting some in the OOPs community, such as :iconKarintina: , who is in the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Exile The military invasion of Ukraine is not only terrible, but it is directly affecting some in the OOPs community, such as :iconKarintina: , who is in the area under attack and cannot evacuate. Please consider helping in any[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The life of Elim Dorelga. Absolutely no contact or interaction with yinglets for the vast majority of it, but then in quick succession: Taking care of them, being stabbed by them, and being hit on by them. Hi-res and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Been here before. Hi-res and textless version available for free on my Patreon! Colorists: Raptie & Oniontrain
A first time for everything Hi-res and textless version available for free on my Patreon! Colorists: Raptie & Oniontrain