The lesson here is that it’s probably a good idea to stab yourself a lot in order to build up areas of protective scar tissue in case of actual eventual stab-related issues.
There were actually some old-timey showmen who pierced themselves repeatedly through a safe(-ish) area to build up a tunnel of internal scar tissue, which they would then use as a means to “safely” run themselves through with a blade on stage for money because humans are weird like that sometimes
Raptie does colorstuff
Kass’ snoot has been captured.
Well after a snoothold as intimate as that they’re basically married now
Valsalia said it! They’re married now. It’s canon.
YAY! Besides… you’ve made it fairly obvious in various locations thru-out the storyline that something “Interesting” is growing between them during this strange relationship. I say, “Damn the torpedoes, Full Speed Ahead!”
Not to mention that one imge where Elim was a Scav.
Dammit. Idk how to feel after that.
I’d like them both to be female yings and just have a harem of yinbois for them each night.
Nothing says togetherness more than a bloody snoothold!
I can’t imagine his hand smells very good right now.
After coming off anesthesia, Kass is lucky Elim didn’t attack her seeing he had just fought Yinglets to the death.
Boop Da Snoot!!
Haha, lucky unlucky bastard alright. Snoot grab definitely won’t go unpunished, hopefully more shenanigans like that happens again, definitely made me giggle!
Thusly, the snoot was grabbed, and I saw that it was good.
Also hey I learnt something today about old-timey showmen and scar tissue. Thank’s for that.
Yeah, I was apparently like that with my appendix removal…
Yep, nothing like being on the happy juice after surgery.
Kass is right, Elim is the type of guy that could fall head first into a barrel of sh!t and come out smelling like a rose. Also snoot grab!
When someone talks to you whilst heavily sedated, chances are about 10% that they’ll say the most honest and sincere thing they’ve ever shared with you, and 90% that they’ll babble something completely inane.
It is also impossible to distinguish between the two.
Sylvrwolflol, you have no idea how much I wish there was an option to upvote your comment right now.
i Was told that after my wisdom tooth surgery I went on some paranoid rant about the “vile Martian taco men with their golden spatulas of DOOM” and “fortified” my room (I put a pillow I front of the door and said that would make me invincible). Also I apparently nearly tried to brawl my brother because I thought he shaved my pet cat, when in actuality it wasn’t even my cat but his shorthair one, but 5 seconds later completely forgot about it
In other words, he is high as a weather balloon.
Happy to hear Elm will be alright.
Kas learns Yinglets crave human blood like oysters?
You didn’t really believe that “Egg Toozh” was for oysters really, did you? Dracula would be jealous of Kass’s chompers!
It’s just like those monks that train by striking hard objects to cause a bunch of micro-fractures in their bones and heal repeatedly, which hardens them to ridiculous levels. Except with scar tissue. On the bright side, if he keeps this up he’ll have a great place to conceal a weapon.
Fractured bone become stronger after mending, but the process involve reducing the calcium of the rest of the skeleton and is temporary. After a year or two the extra material is eroded back into it’s normal state.
Scar tissue is a mess of things that shouldn’t be together connecting. It often strangle blood vessels and other tubs, limit otherwise natural movements and cause a lot of pain.
Since there were no intestine where his scar was locate I presume Elim has being suffering from mild diarrhea since he recovered the first time and will continue to shit wet for the rest of his life. But sure, with the help of the surgeon he may be able to hide a pencil in his belly. Totally worth.
Its so exciting when we get a new page. Love it keep up the great work. People doing embarrassing things coming out of an anaesthetic is always amusing.
And on that day, Kass got a glimpse of what Elim is like while drugged up on anesthetics… Also, the smell of blood… Anyone have a Kleenex, looks like the docs missed a spot, on the ‘scavvy scav’
See a snoot, boop a snoot, that’s Elim’s new motto.
All Snoots Receive Boops!
I actually feel a bit bad for the doctor, awful as his delivery of good or bad news was. I really hope Kass later apologizes because fuck man, that was a near thing…. I’m kind of headcanoning that he did, since Kass is actually not the type to forget favors and help given.
That blood covered hand has gotta be overwhelming to kass sense of smell.
ayyyyyy our boi is gonna live, thanks to the artist for not killing elim off.
Snoot boop is way more preferable to a muzzle mash.
Didn’t even know my parents after major surgery. I kept calling my older brother poppy. Ha!
Well, there was a ton of blood lose involved as well.
That’s some good dope he’s on.
Very cute, I’m just sad that the pages get released kinda slow, but it’s always worth the wait.
Part of me was expecting that they need some blood donation to keep him up. Guess they went heavy on the Drugs.
It’s easier to do magic tricks like that when you can buy the state of the art hard opiates from any general store for pennies a dose.
Dawwww, loopy Elim.
I’m starting to wonder if he really remember that that is Kass’s face that he’s holding
The adorableness of the snoot boop aside, I like the detail of Head Surgeon Merrs’ subordinate just carrying on and giving a more concise explanation, all while entirely ignoring Merrs’ plight.
Whether it was intended as such, it’s a nice funny in passing detail that reminds me entirely much of dealing with the aftermath of silliness from my superiors as best as you are able, and keeping a straight face when things don’t go well for said superiors.
What’s gonna happen to the guy with appendicitis? Appendicitis is pretty serious and is extremely painful and runs on a timer. If you don’t get your appendix removed soon, it’ll rupture and you’ll die.
He’ll be fine. As long as you seek prompt medical care, you usually have two or three days from the time the pain starts. I doubt Elim’s surgery took more than an hour or two.
Really depends. In my case I was told I was a few hours away from rupture, and the pain had only started that night. That was an outlier, though.
What might actually cause some issues for that guy is that by now he’s gotta be coming down off those drugs again, and you can’t just re-dose him and hope you’ll get him on a proper level again…
That’s true. Not every case of appendicitis follows the textbook symptoms. For example, sometimes the pain is in a completely atypical location (such as the… um… rear end, instead of the usual location).
You also have a good point about the anesthesia. They might have to wait until the drugs are mostly out of his system before they can try again.
I don’t know much about yinglet mentality (Kas is not REALLY a yinglet per se) but if i were to guess s(he)? seems to be enjoying the poking, kinda like a dog like to be petted, must be the “half beast” thing yings got from their instincts
Idk why but the “at th’ ball” just kills me
Drugs! Drugs are the best!
this is so wholesome
autograph dispatch bloody tend whether recover dagger stool baby