He was going to say “…I’m used to sleeping in a hammock in between two other sailors on the sprawling lower decks of a crusty old merchant ship,” which is a good point, but the issue isn’t what’s on the inside of her place, is it.
Raptie does character colors/shades
Oh, wow! I checked to see the comments for the last page, and I find a new page already!
…nearly forgot to do the shaman dance before commenting, though.
Also, I was wondering what they were going to do about the “where”.
Aww, he’s so respectful 😛
Aww, does this mean Semyel won’t get to meet Yannit?
Oh well, maybe the next time they’re in port.
This sailing-and-returning bit deep-ends[sic] on whether he he survives the impending adventure to board ship….
Aw I was hoping her roommate might get to jion in. Of course most boys dream of 2 girls for one lad, but I suspect this might be an exception…
Is that stuff painted on the front of her place done by her neighbors, or by _her_ as a warning _TO_ her neighbors? I could swear we’ve seen that at least once before.
That _is_ paint, right?
This is done by Isher, as a warning to thieves-who-may-be-or-not-her-neighbors. And it’s blood. P22 of the prologue.
Yannit is in the Teeth (hollowed-out mountain serving as Salia stronghold) with Ran and others. Unless I am missing something