It is a Matriarch’s duty to learn and use a type of recordkeeping language to keep an (albeit convoluted) chart of who paired with who to lay this or that batch of eggs, to help keep inbreeding to a minimum; as well as a collection of symbols that give a brief description of the yinglet’s appearance, behaviors, and things like notable skills and mutations.
Copies of an enclave’s population list like this are made and sent back to the central enclaves, carried by traveling groups of census-takers, of sorts. This is how the elders track and make adjustments to various enclaves’ status and populations, and generally see how any given enclave is progressing.
But with new mutations and such constantly appearing, Matriarchs often create their own custom signs. Some amount of standardization is practiced, but the language is quickly becoming a bloated mass of often-confusing, and sometimes-indecipherable new signs, which require return trips to clarify what a given Matriarch meant by this or that symbol.
Raptie does character colors/shades
Ah, so Lippie’s like me. I tend to feel like I’m not learning anything at all if I don’t perfect whatever I’m learning, too.
Oh, so yinglets DO care about inbreeding! Between the deficit of females, all the mutations and the multiple fathers to each clutch, I didn’t think they would.
Same here, regarding learning.
Also, I don’t think it’s just inbreeding. I wonder if they keep track of mutations too, and who’s more prone to that kind of thing.
Man, y’all are on a roll with posts now! Loving how the plots are progressing, good work!
So basically the issue with collaborative databases in our world as well. At Wikidata, there’s regular discussions – some more heated than others – about exactly which properties should be applied to which classes of entity, and what they actually mean when you apply them. This is before considering the data’s source, or whether it can be considered reliable enough to be preferred above other values, or unreliable enough to be deprecated.
It makes one wonder whether the enclaves actually _trade_ in genetics or traits (if that’s even particularly possible given yinglet rates of mutation).
One also wonders if, and _what_, sanctions might be used by the “central enclaves” for traits deemed “extremely undesirable.”
Now imagine the pity if a talent like that dies of a heart attack…
Oh mys shellstoozh! Get ze Lady some calmings clammies very fastlies! YES YES!
Ands maybies some water…
Hm, the last journal post was over five years ago…
Lippie is so adorable. XD
I knew a young lady like Lippie back in college. She was jumpy, anxious and flighty.
We introduced her to beer which allowed her a high degree of chill for probbly the first time in her life.
Then on a camping trip we introduced her to Herbal Energy vitamin packs. The finest image I can muster of her after that point was when she was doubled over, blowing raspberries between her boobs and howling with fits and peals of raucous laughter. I heard she went on to teach Primary school. I wonder how that worked out….
Ooohhhhh… Zhose scripties… of which I does not haves (ands if I did, zhey would be crossed outs wizh a “Don’ts EVER dos ZHAT again! EVERS!” nexts to zhem). Yes yes… I suppose is importants for Lady Lippie to knows zhose as well.
*blink blink*
Waiiiiit… Does zhat means Lady Lippie is gonna bes a Matriarchs… if she doesn’t get attackied by hers heart before zhens?
I also just realized this after recent circumstances kazz might need a weapon something that’s designed for yinglet. Should be interesting to see an Insmoth order from a black smith to make a sword designed for a Yinglet to handle. Kazz at least is trained for it it would take some time but he would probably be able to figure out a way to effectively use a sword with his body since he has experience with how to use them.
Lippie looks like Kazz before he got told he needs to sleep every 4 hours for an hour or so.
So seems she’s a fairly smart Yinglet just… anxious and maybe a bit klutzy?