It is a Matriarch’s duty to learn and use a type of recordkeeping language to keep an (albeit convoluted) chart of who paired with who to lay this or that batch of eggs, to help keep inbreeding to a minimum; as well as a collection of symbols that give a brief description of the yinglet’s appearance, behaviors, and things like notable skills and mutations.

Copies of an enclave’s population list like this are made and sent back to the central enclaves, carried by traveling groups of census-takers, of sorts. This is how the elders track and make adjustments to various enclaves’ status and populations, and generally see how any given enclave is progressing.

But with new mutations and such constantly appearing, Matriarchs often create their own custom signs. Some amount of standardization is practiced, but the language is quickly becoming a bloated mass of often-confusing, and sometimes-indecipherable new signs, which require return trips to clarify what a given Matriarch meant by this or that symbol.


Raptie does character colors/shades