OOPs #168: Classified Documentation #1
If somehow this document is found by someone who can’t read, then that’s fine too! They’ll either not understand it, or bring it to someone who can read, and then be returned to House Ivenmoth.
Or else face severe punishment, but that’s just expected, isn’t it?
This answers a LOT of questions! Thank you!
Information is important!
This actually pretty fascinating a life cycle.
Fascinating, and sometimes annoying, when your body suddenly tells you to take a nap for a century
That is some next level hibernation ability right their, judging by how long it really is I bet some Baxxid have started this process since before Greater Yinglets existed and are still in this state even now.
I checked! The first recorded appearance of the Greater Yinglet race was one-hundred-thirty-eight years ago. The Baxxid afflicted the longest has been in the Sun-Thirst for one-hundred-three years.
Yeahhh those two species are preeeetty different when it comes to lifespans!
Such excellent worldbuilding.
Ey, thanks! Honestly there’s just tons of this stuff I’m aware of and use for the telling of this story, and it’s sometimes a little hard to hold back on just spilling *all* the allegorical beans at any given time. : D
“If somehow this document is found by someone who can’t read, then that’s fine too! They’ll either not understand it, or bring it to someone who can read, and then be returned to House Ivenmoth.”
The house should consider adding some sort of visual symbol to show that returning the document will lead to a reward. While they would not be able to read the words the pictures of Baxxid’s still represent information the house wants kept secret. And who knows how many people will get a look at the thing as the finder looks for someone who can read?
On the other hand, that could result in having to pay out more rewards, when some drunk mineworker would otherwise just use it as toilet paper or something
Imagine: a baxxid makes some human friends, and then gets struck by a Devouring Impulse and ends up never seeing said friends again…
Well that’s just a depressing thought, though if they had clearance I suppose the humans could go visit their shydralisk buddy underground
Indeed! Although as Crowbar said, if they WERE good friends, the baxxid in question would likely push through their body shyness and let their friends know what’s up, so they can still have underground meetups.
The past and future existence of our city is based on the cooperation of our >>TWO<< species??? AHEM!!! Hey Boss, Remember us Yinglets? *Waves and jumps up and down* We exist too, ya bunch of ingrates.
In fairness, the yinglets are *outside* the city, and don’t seem to have been around long, while the baxxid are more… under it – and have a more cohesive decision structure, so can be negotiated with as a group.
This has given a time period for species interaction. And While Ivenmoth has had relations with Baxxid for two centuries, Yinglets have been around for as long as Humans on Earth have had Airplanes. The training sheet relies on Yinglet literacy rates being near zero I think to not cause a issue. And while true, this is being corrected, and perhaps our intrepid officer in Val Salia’s service may cause a re-issue for it being strictly not true anymore. That it is up to Kass and Vislet to show her new race is more than a pestilence to the Trademaster’s plans, well that is why we are here, isn’t it?
Hey, once the yinglets stop a siege or three, they can get counted too!
We are working on it! Lesson of the week: Spear training!https://www.deviantart.com/valsalia/art/Kass-the-Spear-Dancer-Except-Kass-Is-Into-It-897461458
Still not entirely sure it wouldn’t be defending *against* the Yinglets…
Ohoh I knowz! While za Baxxid is tunnels after za waters… Yinglets can sneaks into za baddie’s camp and… uhhh… and eats all zheir breads! *nod nods*
Nono. Bread is yickies! Sooo… we burns zheir breads wizh fires! Yesyes! Zhen we burns zheir banner-zhingies so zhey forgets which side zhey’s on. Zhey bes sooo hungries and zhirsties and confused… zhat zhey sends ‘make peace sostupids’ peoples to za TradeLeader-Patriarch-Guy. Can nots only makes za baddies gives up… but maybies sells zhem food for zheir weapons and armors and stuffs.
Surprisingly viable. When it comes to warfare, yinglets do have a useful attribute: They are tiny! Tiny means stealthy. Just roll around in soot for a bit and you have a nighttime ninja, practically invisible and silent. Ideal for scouting and sabotage. The first the enemy would learn of the attack is when their camp is on fire.
*Ying brain cells shoutings…*
“Shhh issa secrets…”
“I zhink I founds a zhing. I gets clams now yesyes?”
“I wonders if I should takes Elim a gets-betters clam…”
“I knows nozhings… NOZHINGS!”
“Lady Kass’ tail-poof looks especiallies pretty today.”
“No talkings bouts ze Baxxid-pede!”
“I likes Poak as he is nice.”
“Poor suns-juice addict Baxxids. Would pat-pats.”
“Oops… I didn’t dos it!”
“I hopes Ze Matriarch don’t finds out…”
“Nooooo… Not ze backs of ze neck.”
“Don’t lets Zally sees me!”
“Heyhey… I zhinks I started a fires back heres.”
“But I don’t WANNA teach ze younglets ze Fire song…”
“Sooo fancy hat…”
“Still won’ts do ZHAT for clams Ran…”
“Must digs up more clammies!”
“Lady Lippie makes ze bestest yellows petal zhingies…”
” *winds blowing noises* ”
“I wonders if za Oracle of za Bakedroofs knowsss…”
“Sooo pretty stars…*
“You don’ts know ze POWER of ze TOONY side…”
“Wanna smek zhat bad Brakka…”
“We was hatched… Hatched to bes wild!”
” HappEEEEE = Ying(ManyClammies)let ”
“Such head-spinny Galen smoke smells…”
“Someday zhey’ll finds it… za ‘zhat zhing’ connection…”
*blink blinks*
Did zomeying says somezhing? O_O
The Wondering mind of Yinglets are surprisingly productive if channeled in song. Though I do as a Plains Yinglet, know that the Southland Ze pronunciation is hard for the singing of songs. It flows better with the plains De in songs, even if Ze sounds more educated to the human ear. I think if the southland Yings sang more, they would spend less time having horrible ideas. You will are a good example of this, and are to be commended. Perhaps some day, you can travel to the Plains Burrows and regail us with your barbaric accent, and fine tunes.
Is zhere clams in za Great Plains? I’m sure Za Matriarch would probablies likes ta exchange me really cheap…
Butbut… You does me great honorz… so I willl tries to be ze bestest Barbar-Ying I cans bes.
And when yous izza clams-digger, you has lottsa time ta makes wizh za songs… like zhis one…
*spin-changies to Willl in ze top hat and tailz wizh a chorus line of giant clammie dancers in za background (eats yer heart out Lopin) ;p *
It don’t means a zhing, if yous ain’t gots zhat Ying…
Clammie, clammie, clammie, clammie, clammie, clammie, mollusks, oyster!
Ands if you’s a little ying, well opens zhat mouzh an sings…
Clammie, clammie, clammie, clammie, clammie, clammie, mollusks, oyster!
It don’t matters if it…
sounds goods or nots.
Just swish yer tail likes zhis… *tailswish*
and gives it alls ya gots!
It don’t means a zhing, if yous ain’t gots zhat Ying…
Clammie, clammie, clammie, clammie, clammie, clammie, mollusks, oyster!
Yeah it don’ts means a zhing, if yous ain’t gots zhat Ying…
Clammie, clammie, clammie, clammie, clammie, clammie, mollusks, oyster!
And nows I’m hungries… O_O
*chasies giant clammie dancers… off stage-lefts evens*
Wait, what about the baxxid that were in sun-thirst when the alliance started?
They were probably struck down, casualties of their altered perception of time.
Probably still waiting patiently on hilltops, or else carefully carried to Area 2-M.
eekies O_O! i read below za dotted line! i hope val salia won’t be mad…
(copyright willl, i believe zhis is fair use)