Yes, Kass knew. But did Kass really, like… know?
Hi-res and textless version available for free on my Patreon!
Colorists: Raptie & Oniontrain
Yes, Kass knew. But did Kass really, like… know?
Hi-res and textless version available for free on my Patreon!
Colorists: Raptie & Oniontrain
Getting somewhere closer to acceptance maybe. Not quite there yet I think, but progress.
Well at least it looks like progress assuming she doesn’t have an immediate breakdown over it ._.
Next page: Kass FREEEEEAKS OUT
Oh Ying! *blink blinks* Well offs to za clams mine for me zhen…
Zhere’s nozhinks betters for a good FREAKZ OUTS zhan a bucket fulls of freshly harvested clammies… and maybes most possiblies za friend-hugs. YesYes. *scurries awaaay*
Really looking forward to the next journal entry, to see what Kass thinks of this moment.
Oh you could tell this is leading up to a journal page, eh! >: D
Oh damn, this is an interesting turn. I don’t feel like I have fully processed my thoughts on this page yet, but this is certainly a pivotal moment no matter what.
As it should be! If I’ve counted correctly, then this page is in fact the 250th official entry! Specifically, there are 38 numbered prologue pages, 202 regular numbered pages, and 10 early numberless pages that got left out of other counts.
Here’s hoping to Val’s good health and spirits, and that there may be many more pages to come.
Oh hey that’s a nice round number! And thanks; I’m taking good care of myself, especially in recent years. Gotta make sure I don’t clock out until well after this story’s done being told!
OH what kind of idea did Kass just get?
And if anything considering how fast they work and such it would atleast be an interesting thing to watch anyway. I mean most soldiers even that far back know how to sow since they have to repair their suits and uniforms anyway.
Finally one of my favorite points in a transformation story, the Moment of Acceptance, is either here or it’s coming. I am always more invested after this point in the story.
Kass is a champion at compartmentalizing and pushing aside important-but-uncomfortable subjects!
But it couldn’t last forever.
Zhat moment when as a boy, zhat one is told to stop playing wizh girly zhings, and they put it down, reluctantly to avoid criticism can now be safely disregarded. And being from a trader’s family, Kass has been exposed to a lot of zhings!
I Zhink dat’s the moment pictured here, zhat Kass can enjoy somezhing feminine wizhout it tainting his masculinity. It’s the first moment in his history as a yinglet zhat being feemale has a benefit. Zhat and de first time she has been in a all female area zhat was not Vislet’s harem trying to remake her into a Yinglet princess. so Acceptance for who she is wizh no pity, or ozher emotional baggage.
Yeah the Viz-Harem experience was definitely on Viz’s terms. And maybe partially Feeeena’s.
Is it just my imagination, or is Kass showing a lot more yinglet body language in the last couple of pages than we’ve seen before? For example, that nose-up, curious side-eye in panel 4 looks very yinglet, but not at all human. Did focusing on Yannit’s needs get Kass to drop the continual self-consciousness and relax in her own skin?
Sometimes ya just gotta do a storky neck-crane for a good view!
*bends neck arounds za corner to asks*
Whatssa storky? *blink blink* ;p
Aaaaand the realization sinks in xD
Realizations sink, forgetfulness floats
Realization, yes. But there are so many potential shades!
-I just realized I am not apart from this group, I am a part OF this group.
-I just realized I am seeing/about to see how “girls” act when guys/men/males aren’t around.
-I just realized I may need/want/be asked to contribute to this process.
-I just realized I am being treated as an equal (in yet another new way).
-I just realized my feeling(s) of responsibility may be (at least partially) maternal in origin.
-I just realized I LIKE dress-up.
…and so on.
I wonder if after this Kass is going to go check out other sides of life only a girl can see :’D
…then again, when boys dream of seeing what girls see, it’s usually… nothing good. No offense to anyone here.
Being a boy Yinglet, one sees “Down Zhere” about de same damm zhing as de girls do. Not zhat zhings don’t change with some encouragement, but truly minus dem fatbags kass has between her shoulders, dere is not much…hmm what is the humani term? Ah! Sexual Dimorphism! Humans are so, so lucky for zhat, I suppose, but dere is benefits to being a Yinglet too.
Yeah, well, Kass is as yinglet as they’re female…
*tries not to stares at Kass’ oh soosoo pretty tail-poof*
*tries harder… and mores harder… an evens mores*
I blames za hermones! Or is zhat horrormones… ;p
For tail poofs, Patriarch Chakki’s is prettier zhan Kass’s is I zhink. Zhough Pekkit’s is nice too. Kass is pretty in a wild yinglet kind of way wizh dat big shelltoozh and military garb she looks intimidating , and powerful. Dat is its own kind of attractive I zhink!
Ehhh… Patriarch Chakki’s tail-poof is oookayyy (is sortsa small)… but he’s always blabbings bouts za planting an za tillings an za ploughings an WON’T EVERS SHUTS UP! *blink blinks* Or so I’z been tolds…
Errr… Is justs… I likes za full huggable tail-poofies an Lady Kass has probablies za bestest I’z ever saws. Ze Martiarch Vizlet has probablies za next bestest (please don’t tells her I saids zhat!)… wizh Lady Lippie an Lady Vesaria close followings. Lady Pekkit’s is nice yesyes (zhough her ear-spots makes me dizzies)… and Lady Feeeena’s is a bit stringies. I no talks bouts Lady Zal… uhh… no wish ta gets jump-pouncied into healings hut for za week. NopeNope.
As for Lady Kass’ Ivensmozhs clozhings… I zhink zhey makes her looks cute an sopretty (when she’s not shoutings za LOUD WORDS at za peoples… also please don’t tells her I said zhat neizher!)… but zhat just me.
Chakki takes care of his tail poof zhough. Maybe a bit smaller zhan Kass’s, but de Patriarch of being plowed knows how to show off what he has to effect!
Zhis is true. Perhaps he could add za tail-poof extensions… and be a lot less louds…
And for Lady Kass, de last time she was in a Enclave, she was screaming about “killin all de fekkers!” Ran off, den went and wiped out de toughest gang of street yinglets in Valsalia to a Yinglet. Dey dead as dirt now, and we…we may be next *shivers in fear*. If I sees Lady Kass coming, I am running! She may be cute, she may also be intimidating, but she is also so, so mad at us, and we didn’t do anyzhing, minus dat one kid barfing on her dat one time. Take care Will, dat uniform she wears is not somezhing dat is for show.
I zhink Lady Kass was just scareds an confused… being ‘displaced’ froms her own enclave to… wells… dis place. *blink blink*
An I heards zhat it was za good Elim hoomans zhat killed za baddies… and zhey deserved it alsos fors trying ta ying-nap Ze Diplomat Lady Kass and fors stabbings za poor Elim. I also zhinks Kass is a good egg at heart… an am contents to watch and wish hers well froms afar (and maybies send her and Elim some spare clammies… but not Ran!). Ze uniform… just commands additional respects dues for a Diplomat froms Ze House Ivensmozhs… but just treats Lady Kass wizh kindness and respects… and I sure we’z nozhings to fears.
Hm, now that you mention it, Kass would look great with some sort of a tail accessory~
Oh yesyes! Maybes a yellows ribbon to complements her eyes an Ivensmozhs clozhings? Or a string of shiny-beads? Perhaps a small clams-shells tail bracelet? An I wish she would wears her keep-za-hairs-outta-eyes zhingies more oftens (she looked especiallies cute wizh zhem)…
Finally, he can see restrooms where people haven’t pissed all over the toilet seats!
Boss! You mean we get actual toilet seats in the Enclave soon? I love you boss! *Runs and tells everyone the good news about not falling into de hole of doom (also known as de latrine)!*
some of us ‘hover’ 🙁
…Kass is going to be disappointed.
I zhink so, so pretty lady Kass cannot be more disappointed in us zhan she was at de nursery, even if de entire enclave was on fire. It is not our fault zhat dere has never been a Patriarch of Latrines in our history zo far, not dat de so, so smart humani have de internal plumbing or such in dere homes mind you. I zhink its more like a Roman style of living where zhings like bathing are a community activity minus for de very wealzhy.
And… now I’m stuck thinking where did Kassen’s ear go in the last panel.
It’s folded behind the neck and hair!
Ya is pointings little down an away from frame… aways from camera… zhatta ways *points at za lower wall behinds Kass*
Realizations are being realized in a very realizable’d way!
It’s the best way to do it! Just ask any professional realizer.
That’s actually Kass’s job now: realizing things and writing the things down!
Not Sure how well this is going to go, I am more betting on full acknowledgement of it over actual acceptance, my opinion is that the girl and yinglet parts are too intertwined for Kass to accept one without the other.
Kass had her first “girly” moment in and reacted badly to it. Perhaps it was because it was bozh feminine and yinglet zhoughts confusing de hell outta her? Eizher way, dis seems more like Kass being like someone putting zheir foot into a bazh before getting in to test how de water was comfortable or not, instead of being thrown in de deep end and sink or swim like Kass gets around Vislet (Matriarchs are not well known for empathy in general). So it’s around humans, which Kass knows, and whose pack bonding social structure that she is familiar and comfortable wizh dat she may feel braver to explore her feminine side more.
honestly I know it’s great storytelling when I forget along with the main character that he is female until someone casually points it out xD
;o gender dysphoria taken over
Nahhh! De so, so smart Lady Kass had gender dysphoria, usually not zhat happy being a feemale and all, but has flashes of acceptance, like zhis comic.
Things are going to be interesting if Kassen is ever returned to normal.
second large gathering of girls that includes kass!