Just Bug Thoughts
Hi-res and textless version available for free on my Patreon!
Colorists: Raptie & Oniontrain
https://unitedhelpukraine.org/ https://www.comebackalive.in.ua/
Just Bug Thoughts
Hi-res and textless version available for free on my Patreon!
Colorists: Raptie & Oniontrain
https://unitedhelpukraine.org/ https://www.comebackalive.in.ua/
I love Yannit-centered strips. She’s so adorable and yet so utterly alien. It takes talent to properly convey a non-human train of thought.
Or even a Non Yinglet one!
The insect person ain’t wrong.
FriendKass often is good.
Ohhh boy, the image of what Yannit was doing with Ran is simplistic but who knows WHAT weird things he really had her doing.
We know it’s just smelling various substances.
FriendKass has been good to all neighbors since the very beginning, no matter how “strange” they’ve been, no matter how much patience was necessary. One might even say FriendKass was born to be a diplomat, but never had the chance to be one until “That Thing” happened. So what’s next? Does Lopin enter the scene, seeking consolation from the spinners for what happened at the hospital earlier?, or does that too conveniently move the story forward?
Nah, Lopin got his consolation from Patriarch Beizel.
Fair enough, but Beizel also filled Lopin’s head with questions, so I’m looking forward to him making Kass go cross-eyed when he asks her “What am I to you?” 😀
It’s incredible how much thought was put into the use of colours, and even the font style to really convey how utterly different Yannit “sees” the world. Great stuff, Val!
It almost reminds me of context-colored text/code from an IDE.
So, you “support Ukraine” yet you very prominently and obviously ADVERTISE A RUSSIAN TRANSLATION OF YOUR STORY.
Can you say SOUL-LESS HYPOCRITE?! Can you say EMPTY-HEADED HIPSTER WITH NO VALUES? Can you say, MORALLY BANKRUPT? Can you say NAZI LOVER? Can you say FASCIST? can you say HATER OF HUMAN RIGHTS? Can you say LOSER?! Yeah, I thought you could.
Wow, you would think dat ozher countries zhan Russia speak Russian after de fall of de Soviet Union or somezhing? Yeah, you do sound like an ass, but I forgive you. But seeing dis has a Russian translation, it just might get a *Dramatic buildup* Few Russians who can see dat zheir propaganda is right by reading zhings like your comment.
So be a dummy, and blame a people who have no choice of how zheir government does zhings, or say somezhing more intelligent zhan a humble Yinglet who hates war in any form. Your choice.
Why? Because they can read it?
Do you think that all Russian translations have to pay for, like, a license or something to use the language? Do you think that translation in some way results in money or influence for the current regime? Does Russia have an internationally recognized copyright or trademark on the entire Russian language? How does this work in your mind?
Do you know what bigotry is?
I owe you a cola.
Zhanks! Zhough a diet and non caffinated one please. Sugar and Caffine are not advisable zhings to give to a yinglet on any but very controlled circumstances.
And for Porn-o-nimous, I hope you are somewhere safe, and warm. It is hard to be level headed when people you care for are suffering.
See what you did, you made me agree (kinda) wizh Not Friendly, and dat guy really, really don’t like me. Dat’s de level of ass you come off as.
“What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”
110 million people speak Russian as an L2 (non-native) language. Many of those don’t speak English or French (though French is a great addition, as it covers many non-English-speaking, formerly-colonized regions).
There are also a lot of Russian-speaking furries (it’s the second-largest language on WikiFur by most metrics) and most of them don’t want anything to do with the war and just want to read a fun comic about yinglets.
Several other translation projects including French, German and others are currently in progress. Most of these involve a single translator, doing all the work to translate, replace the text on the pages and host the new translated pages in their spare time with no compensation. As soon as these other translators are ready to publish, I am willing to be we can rest assured their translations will be advertised at least as prominently as the Russian Translation.
The Russian yinglet fans have had more than one dedicated diligent and generous volunteer going out of their way to bring this comic to non-English speaking yinglet fans. the Russian yinglet community, in my experience, has been vehemently opposed to the war on Ukraine and are in no way responsible for the decisions of the Government is Moscow. They have been victims of this Moscow Government for far longer than anyone. Surely you don’t think that the Russian people should not have access to an uplifting story of empathy, survival, adaptation and freedom that Out-ot-Placers offers? Think of it if you must as Western propaganda, subtly designed to soften the Russians heart and guide it away from the conquering imperial spirit of Beletan, to empathize with the Dinnish Refugees in their new home.
Oh, you’re back! I was worried you’d actually stay gone like you claimed you would back in [page #194](https://www.valsalia.com/comic/out-of-placers/oops-194/). What happened; did the allure of the smell of a yinglet breeding chamber draw you back here?
Oh, they’ve come back before to tell us Ukrainians are Nazi or something.
Yes, yes, zhey were very convincing wizh zheir google translate levels of dialogue, and insults taken directly from pirated western movies. I was bozh moved, and my life changed forever by knowing zhat dis was de best dat de Ukraine could send here after taking 80 billion US$, being pissy about zhere even being a Russian translation next to de Ukranian and French ones! How dare zhe boss serve a fandom dat existed well before de war and whose very existance is a middle finger to zhose idiots who started it? *rolls zheir eyes*
Apparently, you did not do the research, or you would know that there are countries that are not part of Russia, that speak Russian. It’s the official language of Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan, and is widely spoken in Azerbaijan, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.
In fact, the Russian translation of this site isn’t even from Russia. Which you would’ve known if you’d done your research. Can you say DUMBASS? Yeah, I thought you could.
they said to not blame all russian people, just putin!
heh, I just noticed the French and Ukrainian translation pages are shown using za same amount of screen real estate.
Nothing in the comic supports the territorial aggression of the government in Moscow, and the structure of the narrative laid down long before Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine and carried all the way through to the current day, are very much counter to glorifying an unethical war of aggression. The comic has central characters that are refugees of a the same type of war of aggression. So why shouldn’t the Russian people be exposed to a brilliantly written world that encourages empathy with people who lost their homes to an invading army? The more Russians who read Out-of-Placers, the more likely they will see through the lies that Moscow wants them to believe, the less likely they are to agree with the war or accept the fallacious justifications for it.
Why would you oppose the Russian people reading this story? Do you support the Russian Government setting their own narrative, telling the Russian people how they must think about the war to be good loyal faithful patriotic Russians, or do you want them to be able to read a dissenting voice of resistance translated to their own tongue?
Seeing yinglets in general, or at least de Male ones are omnisexual consider us de vanguard in giving de middle finger to the pent up bastards in Moscow who run the place. Seriously how does one read dis whole comic and somehow, someway see ANYZHING that screams us having currently government approved Russian morality? Fekk that, and I’d not even hump zhem on a bet.
Well, they *are* wearing red (specifically, Vermilion Deep). That’s pretty Russian. But it’s also French, and it is of a closer hue to the red in the French flag.
It’s actually odd that the old woman’s clothing is lighter, since vermilion pigments tend to darken, or develop a purplish-gray surface sheen. But perhaps it is made in a different way in Val Salia. Being mercuric sulfide, our world’s version is also incredibly toxic – as to a certain extent is its replacement, cadmium red.
I wanna say it’s de same red as Guyana’s flag, but It’s China’s colors.
Nice to see this perspective from Yannit. And now we know what went wrong with the other Indrel – the stress of isolation, not having an assigned task to feel helpful, and prolly smelling something that instructed them to attack.
Between Kass and Ran, Yannit’s instincts are being directed in positive directions. I don’t think she’s going to go crazy like her predecessor did.
I must say, “KnowledgeFarmer” is probably the best term for a researcher I’ve seen. Bravo, sir, bravo.
Well, Deviant Art kinda sucks, but here is a Lippie Burrito to cheer up everyone’s day! https://e621.net/posts/3596036?q=yinglet
e621 hosts furry porn, though this specific link is sfw. here’s a link to e926, which filters out the images tagged as furry porn: https://e926.net/posts/3596036?q=yinglet
I JUST NOW NOTICED, you can see more details in the eyes with YannitVision. The outer rim of the iris for the yinglets