It’s at least enough to pay the rent
Colorists: Koof, Oniontrain, Raptie
(High-res and textless version available for free over on my Patreon!)
It’s at least enough to pay the rent
Colorists: Koof, Oniontrain, Raptie
(High-res and textless version available for free over on my Patreon!)
Kalgkur who zhought guards-duty as a punishment, now sees zhere are people being hurt when order is not kept. Someone he has a crush on, specifically. Will he wake up de day his punishment is over, and turn his back on this revelation?
Somehow, I doubt dis.
I love these two characters, I’ve gotta’ say.
well the trinkets are less heavy, and no less shiny! or perhaps they are? i haven’t been face-to-face with a real bar of gold.