It is possible to sometimes nervously blurt out the -right- things
Colorist: Oniontrain
(High-res and textless version available for free over on my Patreon!)
It is possible to sometimes nervously blurt out the -right- things
Colorist: Oniontrain
(High-res and textless version available for free over on my Patreon!)
This is all very well, but shouldn’t he be guarding? While he’s speaking with her they’re both distracted. There’s probably someone making off with the dangly bits right now!
Remember what they said: simply having a sentry whose eyes are on the sides of their head is a good deterrent, and it’s not like the average thief is going to realize he’s engrossed in conversation without listening in a little.
As Someone wizh eyes on de side of zheir head, I concur wizh dis statement.
Even in our world, not being able to see where someone is looking is a ridiculous deterrent. It’s one of the reasons law enforcement tend to wear darkly tinted sunglasses or visors at all times.
Also pretty sure it’s one of several reasons why security cameras are sometimes located inside those tinted fishbowls
I like how he has a thing for her and here he’s accidentally smooth talking her. Still wondering if the thing he has for her is romantic or what, but it’d be amusing if we find out it’s not and then she has a thing for him.
We don’t see as many Baxxid infants as we see Small Yinglets, making me zhink dat de Baxxid are less in de way of Libido zhan eizher Humans or Yinglets (De champions!). So any affection Kalgkur has will be a slow burn I zhink, zhough Miss Nell may have ozher ideas in regards to how fast de relationship goes.
I do zhink dat de deal breaker for de couple will be how much alcohol it takes to get a Baxxid wasted. Soo Much!
Baxxid primarily live under Val Salia, which is why we don’t see them at all very much; as for their young, I think they spend most of their time tunneling, and when they aren’t they’d probably be well watched-after rather than roaming around. Of course, being less horny than yinglets isn’t really saying much.
All that said, I think you’re right that baxxid don’t have as much of a libido as humans do (of course, in the Earth animal kingdom, we’re pretty high up there, being one of the few species that does the deed recreationally).
Not zhat I am saying zhere is a lot of oversight, but de lower reaches of Val Salia seem to be below de sea level. So having lots and lots of unsupervised digging would lead to issues like zhis ==>
Needless to say, Yinglets have a damm good reason for breeding like we do, and we have yet to truly see de lifespan legnzh of a baxxid individual, but I am inclined to believe it is razher long, given ideal circumstances. So de need for explosive population replacement just isn’t zhere for dem.
And now Nell is contemplating her next project: a bronze maker hook.
Red Smizh? Yeah, Nell’s face now matches her nickname *Snickers*.