Um Kass? If you take off zhe “mask” from de pretty boi at zhat angle, yeah he’s not going to be looking at your perky boobs, but instead at zhe rear, which for a yinglet, zhe proper angle to admire zhe opposite sex from if one is flirting. Zhe tail poof is considered more sexy (IMHO) zhan breasts, especially for a male who often sees zhe attention of ozher males.
In zhis, Kass is just so, so lucky zhat de Lopin is such a very good boy. Zhat, and having gotten off lately, zhe chance of visually embarassing arousal is fortunately low for de Lopin.
Couldn’t help hearing that as “Are you still zhere?” a-la Portal turrets. The yinglet version is probably just as flawed.
Um Kass? If you take off zhe “mask” from de pretty boi at zhat angle, yeah he’s not going to be looking at your perky boobs, but instead at zhe rear, which for a yinglet, zhe proper angle to admire zhe opposite sex from if one is flirting. Zhe tail poof is considered more sexy (IMHO) zhan breasts, especially for a male who often sees zhe attention of ozher males.
In zhis, Kass is just so, so lucky zhat de Lopin is such a very good boy. Zhat, and having gotten off lately, zhe chance of visually embarassing arousal is fortunately low for de Lopin.
Kassen Akoll, collector of strays, what will you do with this irrepressible little daisy of chaos?
Plant him in zhe ground if he keeps it up!
Head-first, for preference.
That could be dangerous: what if he puts down roots, spreads, and then sprouts more of himself?