OK, first zhey make Kalgkur face de great asshat wazziz his name directly after killing someone in front of his crush. Yeah, zhat’s so bad! Zhen Kalgkur has to feed ole crusty asshat while listening to his Baxxid supremacist drivel (so so bad). Zhen to top everyzhing off, de elders prank him into zhinking dey and wazzizname are in cahoots until he’s had enouzh, loses his temper, only to have his ass Kamehameha’d by de head elder.
I don’t care what dey tell Kalgkur, he isn’t going to be happy about zhis when he wakes up regardless of what dey say to him. “It’s a prank, bro!” Never ever makes folks happy when dey are used for somezhing dat does not benefit zhem.
Hey! Lookit at that! Guess de Baxxid have zheir own form of zhe giant bucket of cold water after all! However happy zhe Baxxid elders are about putting Kalgkur into a murderous rage, zhey still better explain before letting him go. Zhat and be prepared for some salty language from Kalgkur. Dese asshats deserve a good ass kicking/butt chewing for pulling a stunt like zhis.
Unrelated, but interesting zhat de design of how a Baxxid’s head spikes are shaped is a indicator of relationship. I wonder zhat dis elder and Kalgkur’s are similar in shape, zhat dis one doing zhe hugging may be a ancestor of Kalgkur (Baxxid lifespans have not been put into cannon as of yet, so could be great, great, great, great granpappy Baxxid who hardly knows Kalgkur but by name, and why Kalgkur didn’t resopnd to him as a intimate relation. Who knows? Baxxid are weird.
That’s the second time in this chapter of the comic that a sound is made, but no words are used to relay what kind sound is made. The first time was with Kalgkur panicking after seeing a blag-flag baxxid, and now Varakses emitting a powerful sound that disables Kalgkur’s instinctual rage. You can only imagine what kind of sound is being made by the contextual clues, which is rather quite neat.
Somehow I don’t zhink sound works like a Kamehameha from Goku. Plus zhere are de same artistic lines used when dey speak. So, Jury’s still out if it was sound, or some sort of psychic blast.
I like it too. This was clearly more of a disabling shock wave than words. Kalgkur probably doesn’t know what just hit him. I can’t even tell if he’s conscious. In any case, the elders have some explaining to do! I still think Nell should have her head-carving chisel ready.
In terms of story and character development, this was a good direction. Not the only option, but a good one. In terms of the mystery of the setting, the baxxid, the mysterious HWKWHD and black-flag characters, etc., this is the worst possible resolution.
We’ve learned nothing about baxxids. Everything said, could be a lie. HWKWHD could be genuine, or he could be in on the test. We obviously can’t believe a word of dialogue from the elders. Kal hasn’t said anything helpful or revealing. All of our new knowledge, is just: 1) baxxids have a rage state, 2) baxxids have a special screech that disables and disorients other baxxids in their rage states, and 3) baxxids can be threatened by humans with sufficiently creative insults. Everything else has to be discarded.
A number of observations:
1. A Baxxid in attack mode looks the stuff of nightmares.
2. That “.” just switched off Kalgkur no problem. How does that even work. Was that really a sort of sonic attack, or was the effect purely psychological?
3. A hug. How human. Is that behaviour learned from the humans or did the Baxxid have something similiar already. My guess is the former. Neat
4. Those security measures are fucked up. The Baxxid must fear coalescence like nothing else. Like a fate worse than death, for their entire society and people. From what I gather they seemed to be…not individuals. What would you do if something threatened to remove your individuality from you, how far would you be willing to go?
#1 nightmares, or badass? I know I’d want that on my side if at all possible regardless of de answer.
#2 Dunno, Baxxid are wierd.
#3 Er, most species do de “hug” when breeding time happens. Humans just modified it as a social activity. I zhink de Baxxid probably did use it before Humans “domesticated” zhem, but it became more commonly done afterwards as zhey seen Humani use it socially.
#4 Makes you zhink just how badly de Humani kicked de Baxxid’s ass dat zhis is basically biologically imprinted on zheir DNA now (Zhink of how EVERY German knows about de Holocaust, like zhat). We don’t know de lifespan of a Baxxid, so dese “Elders” may have actual memories of de event.
#1 Both. For both sides, and the bystanders. Concern for Kalgkur or not, Neil just saw him cut a dude in half. She needs theraphy.
#3 I imagine Baxxid do the do similiar to snakes, maybe. …let us not get into it, I looked up how snakes do it, but turns out there are some people out there who
#4 Were the Baxxid that ass-kicked? Iirc it was more that Val Salia was fortified. And sitting on their place of coalescence, so they went to negotiating. Or the lack of coalescence did something to them.
#1 Nell is a human, I zhink dey are born needing zherapy. But she’s last seen outside De Baxxid den making plans to carve Yinglet penises onto all of zheir heads if day hurt Kalgkur.
#3 You do know Yinglets are basically snakes wizh stick limbs attached, right? 0_-
#4 De Baxxid are definately de bottom of de Human-Baxxid zhing in ValSalia. If Coalesing was once a winning strategy for Baxxid survival, it no longer is so. De Baxxid would not be hell bent in avoiding somezhing zhat would give zhem an better lifestyle. And it is clearly de Baxxid zhat wish to avoid coalesing, wizhout de humani holding zhem at spearpoint to prevent zhis.
Is so? At panel 4 zhis is so. But by panel 6 it is clear zhat de elder is doing more zhan providing stability. De way he uses his head to push Kalgkur into his own body is how I have seen horses and camels hug zheir humans.
I’ve felt horrible for Kalgkur ever since the accident. I didn’t think it was possible for him to be punished any more than he was punishing himself, but here we go. Right now my biggest question is whether or not he’s still alive.
Well, zhere will be an awfully large amount of Yinglet penises carved into de skulls of de surviving baxxid by Nell if he isn’t alive! We are talking about so, so many! Plus, yeah it is possible zhat de elder is talking to a corpse, but if Kalgkur was dead, would his neck tentacles have retracted instead of his body just shutting down as is?
Zhat, and de number of Phones, laptops, computer monitors, and tablets thrown into a wall would cut down on de number of visits to dis site if Kalgkur was dead. I don’t zhink de boss wants to start such a boycott of his creation quite yet, even if his wrists have been hurting and need a break. He needs money, and we want a alive Kalgkur. Toss de boss a dime if you agree.
What a very ethical and moral test. Hopefully he’ll feel better after this but I don’t know that I trust the Baxxid much after this.
OK, first zhey make Kalgkur face de great asshat wazziz his name directly after killing someone in front of his crush. Yeah, zhat’s so bad! Zhen Kalgkur has to feed ole crusty asshat while listening to his Baxxid supremacist drivel (so so bad). Zhen to top everyzhing off, de elders prank him into zhinking dey and wazzizname are in cahoots until he’s had enouzh, loses his temper, only to have his ass Kamehameha’d by de head elder.
I don’t care what dey tell Kalgkur, he isn’t going to be happy about zhis when he wakes up regardless of what dey say to him. “It’s a prank, bro!” Never ever makes folks happy when dey are used for somezhing dat does not benefit zhem.
It’s very rude.
That was his Kobayashi Maru test. He wasn’t going to win the fight he thought was coming, but was willing to try.
Hey! Lookit at that! Guess de Baxxid have zheir own form of zhe giant bucket of cold water after all! However happy zhe Baxxid elders are about putting Kalgkur into a murderous rage, zhey still better explain before letting him go. Zhat and be prepared for some salty language from Kalgkur. Dese asshats deserve a good ass kicking/butt chewing for pulling a stunt like zhis.
Unrelated, but interesting zhat de design of how a Baxxid’s head spikes are shaped is a indicator of relationship. I wonder zhat dis elder and Kalgkur’s are similar in shape, zhat dis one doing zhe hugging may be a ancestor of Kalgkur (Baxxid lifespans have not been put into cannon as of yet, so could be great, great, great, great granpappy Baxxid who hardly knows Kalgkur but by name, and why Kalgkur didn’t resopnd to him as a intimate relation. Who knows? Baxxid are weird.
That’s the second time in this chapter of the comic that a sound is made, but no words are used to relay what kind sound is made. The first time was with Kalgkur panicking after seeing a blag-flag baxxid, and now Varakses emitting a powerful sound that disables Kalgkur’s instinctual rage. You can only imagine what kind of sound is being made by the contextual clues, which is rather quite neat.
Somehow I don’t zhink sound works like a Kamehameha from Goku. Plus zhere are de same artistic lines used when dey speak. So, Jury’s still out if it was sound, or some sort of psychic blast.
I like it too. This was clearly more of a disabling shock wave than words. Kalgkur probably doesn’t know what just hit him. I can’t even tell if he’s conscious. In any case, the elders have some explaining to do! I still think Nell should have her head-carving chisel ready.
Genuine surprise.
It was all a test of will.
Zhat first panel pose would look awesome on a T-Shirt or Jacket. Nicely done.
In terms of story and character development, this was a good direction. Not the only option, but a good one. In terms of the mystery of the setting, the baxxid, the mysterious HWKWHD and black-flag characters, etc., this is the worst possible resolution.
We’ve learned nothing about baxxids. Everything said, could be a lie. HWKWHD could be genuine, or he could be in on the test. We obviously can’t believe a word of dialogue from the elders. Kal hasn’t said anything helpful or revealing. All of our new knowledge, is just: 1) baxxids have a rage state, 2) baxxids have a special screech that disables and disorients other baxxids in their rage states, and 3) baxxids can be threatened by humans with sufficiently creative insults. Everything else has to be discarded.
Oh thank goodness.
A number of observations:
1. A Baxxid in attack mode looks the stuff of nightmares.
2. That “.” just switched off Kalgkur no problem. How does that even work. Was that really a sort of sonic attack, or was the effect purely psychological?
3. A hug. How human. Is that behaviour learned from the humans or did the Baxxid have something similiar already. My guess is the former. Neat
4. Those security measures are fucked up. The Baxxid must fear coalescence like nothing else. Like a fate worse than death, for their entire society and people. From what I gather they seemed to be…not individuals. What would you do if something threatened to remove your individuality from you, how far would you be willing to go?
#1 nightmares, or badass? I know I’d want that on my side if at all possible regardless of de answer.
#2 Dunno, Baxxid are wierd.
#3 Er, most species do de “hug” when breeding time happens. Humans just modified it as a social activity. I zhink de Baxxid probably did use it before Humans “domesticated” zhem, but it became more commonly done afterwards as zhey seen Humani use it socially.
#4 Makes you zhink just how badly de Humani kicked de Baxxid’s ass dat zhis is basically biologically imprinted on zheir DNA now (Zhink of how EVERY German knows about de Holocaust, like zhat). We don’t know de lifespan of a Baxxid, so dese “Elders” may have actual memories of de event.
#1 Both. For both sides, and the bystanders. Concern for Kalgkur or not, Neil just saw him cut a dude in half. She needs theraphy.
#3 I imagine Baxxid do the do similiar to snakes, maybe. …let us not get into it, I looked up how snakes do it, but turns out there are some people out there who
#4 Were the Baxxid that ass-kicked? Iirc it was more that Val Salia was fortified. And sitting on their place of coalescence, so they went to negotiating. Or the lack of coalescence did something to them.
#1 Nell is a human, I zhink dey are born needing zherapy. But she’s last seen outside De Baxxid den making plans to carve Yinglet penises onto all of zheir heads if day hurt Kalgkur.
#3 You do know Yinglets are basically snakes wizh stick limbs attached, right? 0_-
#4 De Baxxid are definately de bottom of de Human-Baxxid zhing in ValSalia. If Coalesing was once a winning strategy for Baxxid survival, it no longer is so. De Baxxid would not be hell bent in avoiding somezhing zhat would give zhem an better lifestyle. And it is clearly de Baxxid zhat wish to avoid coalesing, wizhout de humani holding zhem at spearpoint to prevent zhis.
And fur! Fursnek. 🐍
Zhanks! sometimes I have to be reminded zhat snek on earzh don’t have fur.
And zhen I look on de internet..Earzh, you never fail to amaze me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggEkZeOoBeQ&t=1s
I’m fairly sure the elder was just catching him so he didnt collapse
Is so? At panel 4 zhis is so. But by panel 6 it is clear zhat de elder is doing more zhan providing stability. De way he uses his head to push Kalgkur into his own body is how I have seen horses and camels hug zheir humans.
I’ve felt horrible for Kalgkur ever since the accident. I didn’t think it was possible for him to be punished any more than he was punishing himself, but here we go. Right now my biggest question is whether or not he’s still alive.
Well, zhere will be an awfully large amount of Yinglet penises carved into de skulls of de surviving baxxid by Nell if he isn’t alive! We are talking about so, so many! Plus, yeah it is possible zhat de elder is talking to a corpse, but if Kalgkur was dead, would his neck tentacles have retracted instead of his body just shutting down as is?
Zhat, and de number of Phones, laptops, computer monitors, and tablets thrown into a wall would cut down on de number of visits to dis site if Kalgkur was dead. I don’t zhink de boss wants to start such a boycott of his creation quite yet, even if his wrists have been hurting and need a break. He needs money, and we want a alive Kalgkur. Toss de boss a dime if you agree.
Only when pushed to your absolute limits are you truly revealed for who you are.
elder: SIGTERM