(Also, different hole than on the last page, this one’s just got tasty worms in it)
Shading: Oniontrain
(Also, different hole than on the last page, this one’s just got tasty worms in it)
Shading: Oniontrain
Hah, sometimes it is hard to get some privacy at de enclave. Perhaps it is one reason de great Yinglet inventor hasn’t happened yet.
Health and safety should probably have a look at that blue dangly stuff…
I was thinking the same, especially after the previous comic, but it’s probably just water.
I don’t think water, umm, glows like that…
it’s just water.
don’t worry about it
it’ll be fineee
Nah, is just mossy stuff zhat glows in de dark I think. Kind of pretty, but not harmful. You see it’s not dripping, it is safe.
Just anozher beautifulz day at ze Enclave…
Ohhh hey heys! Whatz slappenin’ guys? *smeck!* Owies!
Laugh at him now, but this guy is on the cusp of a great invention! A device that will change the fabric of enclave society forever! A door! One that locks, even!
Don’t tell him that humans have already invented doors or he might just move to Valsalia, and then who’s going to go all that way just to fetch the hammers?
We knows about doors…de humani invented zhem to keep us out of zheir stuff. What we don’t have is de wealzh to build such zhings for us. It takes specialized tools and education to train and equip a carpenter. Honestly, it’d be easier to just hire one of de humani to do it, but at de end of it, we’d have just one door.
I suppose that’s fair, but I don’t see why this guy can’t re-invent it for his particular workspace. If he’s already interested in making tools, maybe he’s a candidate to become the next patriarch of woodwork, which the caption on page 22 says the enclave hasn’t had for several generations. Necessity is the mother of invention, after all.
I zhink de “Why” is pretty evident, no? It is evident de poor guy needs some privacy, or at least a sign zhat says “intruders will get a humping” And zhen when dey “volunteer”, have Zally be de one waiting for zhem. After de first day, I zhink de problem would diminish.
Zhere is Human ways, and zhere are Yinglet ways of fixing zhings after all.
“Intruders will get a humping” sounds more like an invitation for a reward than a threat…
Then I realized I somehow missed the Zally part… The two issues though are 1) how many young yinglets who aren’t otherwise allowed to breed will risk Zally anyway, leading to a constant procession of them coning in and starting a long and distracting session with Zally? and 2) how does he keep Zally from humping him while she’s there?
Also, why not just learn to not immediately slapfight anyone who comes to tell you something? I feel like “Haha, worms. You should go have fun with that, I came in here to be alone.” would have potentially solved all the problems. That, and maybe some sticks over the hole so they can’t just climb inside…
As for de smeckining 2: electric bugaloo, I zhink de issue is less fighting de entire enclave, zhan it being considered fun to see what zhis inventor is doing, and upset him to see de result. Yinglets are often bored. And a bored Yinglet wizh nozhing to do is how buildings get set on fire. Horrible idea. So bozhering dis guy might be tolerated to some extent by de Patriarchs due to de entertainment value.
It is hard to find structured activities for everyone to do all the time seeing we don’t even have communal sleep periods like Humani seems to have. Zhis helps in not having to have a single bed space for every Yinglet in zhe enclave, but is terrible for zhere being someone, somewhere always wondering around at 3 AM unsupervised who may or may not be setting somezhing on fire. Honestly, I fully understand why ValSalia is made of inflammable stuff, wizh dat many non-enclave yinglets running around de town would be ashes by now if dis wasn’t true.
Ah, Zally, Zally, Zally. She’s so hot, but unlike most Feemales, one round is never enough for zhat one. Sure de first time is great. but it doesn’t end zhere. Oh, no it does not.
Also, unlike Humani, there really isn’t a big “Push” for us to breed. Zhat is somezhing ozher den being interested in zhe act, mind you. Male Yinglets are happy to tend to ozher males, and do so quite often to de point of some preferring males to (Non Zally) Feemales when given de choice.
Also, de whole multiple fazher zhing for Yinglet Feemales means it is actually very healzhy for de future younglets for Zally to bag a half-dozen males. De issue is normally de ones Vislet wants for zheir genetics, are de ones most likely to try and escape before she can force zhem into it. So, de sign zhing, might actually get Vislet’s approval as a test run.
The fact that there aren’t any tags implies to me that none of these characters have planned importance outside of this gag, or maybe exposition on the next page, but as usual, I’m still wondering if we’ve ever seen any of them, and if we can determine who their parents are…
I feel like the inventor is clearly either Vizlet or Figgins, or possibly both seeing as he looks older than Lippie. (The two of them stopped breeding after that batch had a problem) Maybe also Chakki? Is Chakki maybe another earlier Vizlet/Figgins’ offspring? Either way, I don’t think we’ve ever seen this one before.
I don’t think we’ve seen the one with red hair before, probably one of Kattajak’s offspring.
I also don’t think we’ve seen the green haired one before, or any of them with green hair at that, though that face looks really familiar, beyond just being long and pointy and squinty like Pekkit’s… Where have we seen it before?
Yeah, Val has done zhis before.
Doze two anonymous Baxxid on de bottom panels, no chance dey will ever be featured again /s
Conversely, I think that was before Valsalia started tagging things: there are no tags for major characters at their first introductions.
I don’t think characters get tagged in the captions until they are named, and these three aren’t anyone we’ve seen before. The redhead definitely has Kattajack’s coloration, including the dark grey shelltooth, so he’s likely related, either as a son by someone like Lippie (pink eyes and short nose) or a grandson by Zally. The one with the green hat definitely seems related to Pekkit, and therefore probably also Beizel, who has a similar head shape, indigo color in the ears, and uncommon intelligence. The only white-furred black-haired female in the enclave is Vizlet, so hammer guy could be her son or grandson, but the way yinglet genetics are, it’s always hard to say.
By the way, I just noticed that the “Cast” page on this site got updated recently with a bunch of recurring characters and new information about them, including an upgrade for Kalkgur to the “Main Cast”!
I did find a Green-Haired one back at…
I zhink it’s green hair too, his eybrow whiskers in panel 5 did make me think his “widows peak” was sticking out from a hat too thouzh. I zhink it’s zhe yellow pretty sticking out of de green zhat’s de most confusing zhough.
Hole gots worms, Only thing we sees is white Yinglet, White yinglet = worm?
So what’s the story behind this? I’m curious about the “this really happened” comment.
As best as I can tell, de boss tends to do dese sort of zhings at de beginning of a new story arc. Kind of a bookend piece zhat can be used to introduce a new character.