I mean, the only yinglets we’ve seen that don’t speak like coked up goblins are Kassen, Vizlet and a few of the patriarchs… and they each could be considered significant outliers for more reasons than just their status. Kassen used to be human, Vizlet spends a lot of time with the upper echelons of human society and goes out of her way to assimilate, and the well-spoken patriarchs we’ve seen all come from Vizlet’s enclave and thus both spend a lot of time with Vizlet and are making attempts (of varying effort and success) to assimilate as well.
That means even in the highest tier of society within the enclave that has the closest relationship with humans in the region, the number of well-spoken yinglets is very low. So, ah, I’d say Kal’s surprise is pretty justified.
Based on things that were said, and some of the secondary material, I was under the impression that Brakka was an exile from the higher ranks of the Enclave.
I was thinking about this the other day, and realized that a good way to explain this is to recognize that pretty much every society, regardless of development, is going to have people with a wide range of education and refinement. Yinglets have plenty of well-educated leaders and thinkers, it’s just that the only ones who the average human is going to meet on a regular basis is going to be a scavenger or exile, because that’s who is going into the city on a regular basis.
It looks like that never occurred to sheltered Kalgkur here.
I mean, if you think about it, this is exactly what Kass wants. Not only did he do something embarrassing and improper right off the bat, but he is now flustered by Kass’s strong presentation. That’s a great first impression to make when you’re under a meter tall and desperately want to be taken seriously.
Also wait, I feel like Yinglets sweating doesn’t make that much sense. They’re adapted for a mostly coastal, and thus humid, environment, and they have a bunch of fur which is probably quite oily for waterproofing.
Compressing all that down and letting it out in one “yeeek” is a victory for Kass. Breaking Kal’s stereotype is a victory for the entire enclave. As penance for his rude thought-branch, Kal should hire Lopin as his “hands.” 😀
Yes, I think Lopin is smart enough and skilled enough to be “hands” for a baxxid. It would also give him something to focus on, rather than just be left to wander around and stir up mischief.
To be honest, I’m not sure why they don’t give him some sort of job: he would probably make a good Courier / errand boy for Ran and Kass. They would have to give strict instructions that he’s not allowed to leave the fort to all of the officers comma but just knowing that Kass has a semi-competent underling would likely solidify the idea of a yinglet officer being taken seriously…
I mean, the only yinglets we’ve seen that don’t speak like coked up goblins are Kassen, Vizlet and a few of the patriarchs… and they each could be considered significant outliers for more reasons than just their status. Kassen used to be human, Vizlet spends a lot of time with the upper echelons of human society and goes out of her way to assimilate, and the well-spoken patriarchs we’ve seen all come from Vizlet’s enclave and thus both spend a lot of time with Vizlet and are making attempts (of varying effort and success) to assimilate as well.
That means even in the highest tier of society within the enclave that has the closest relationship with humans in the region, the number of well-spoken yinglets is very low. So, ah, I’d say Kal’s surprise is pretty justified.
There’s also Brakka, the one that kidnapped Kass and shivved Elim. I don’t think he was from Vizlet’s enclave, and he was fairly well-spoken.
Based on things that were said, and some of the secondary material, I was under the impression that Brakka was an exile from the higher ranks of the Enclave.
I was thinking about this the other day, and realized that a good way to explain this is to recognize that pretty much every society, regardless of development, is going to have people with a wide range of education and refinement. Yinglets have plenty of well-educated leaders and thinkers, it’s just that the only ones who the average human is going to meet on a regular basis is going to be a scavenger or exile, because that’s who is going into the city on a regular basis.
It looks like that never occurred to sheltered Kalgkur here.
Their first meeting was perfect. Perfectly executed.
I mean, if you think about it, this is exactly what Kass wants. Not only did he do something embarrassing and improper right off the bat, but he is now flustered by Kass’s strong presentation. That’s a great first impression to make when you’re under a meter tall and desperately want to be taken seriously.
It’s like he’s writing comments in the code of his brain.
Also wait, I feel like Yinglets sweating doesn’t make that much sense. They’re adapted for a mostly coastal, and thus humid, environment, and they have a bunch of fur which is probably quite oily for waterproofing.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I waved it off as artistic license, because Val has to show anxiety somehow.
It could be a holdover from previously being human.
Still had to let the panic out a little. Can’t help it. (:
Also, Kalgkur seems to be reassessing more and more things, lately.
The neck fur raising like a cat when Kass makes that screech is quite a hilarious detail.
Compressing all that down and letting it out in one “yeeek” is a victory for Kass. Breaking Kal’s stereotype is a victory for the entire enclave. As penance for his rude thought-branch, Kal should hire Lopin as his “hands.” 😀
I keep thinking that Lopin is smart and educated and skilled enough that he would actually be very good at that job if Kass wanted to set him to it…
Yes, I think Lopin is smart enough and skilled enough to be “hands” for a baxxid. It would also give him something to focus on, rather than just be left to wander around and stir up mischief.
To be honest, I’m not sure why they don’t give him some sort of job: he would probably make a good Courier / errand boy for Ran and Kass. They would have to give strict instructions that he’s not allowed to leave the fort to all of the officers comma but just knowing that Kass has a semi-competent underling would likely solidify the idea of a yinglet officer being taken seriously…
Zome-ying is needings a clams-juice or zhree…
*blink blink*
Trulies Kass issa Off’cer ands uh Matriarch… *nod nods*
Wizza sooo SOOO pretty tails-poof… *droolz just a littles*