Pictured above: a massive, nearly-brainless cargo behemoth, known to various local peoples as kargurhevd, hauler-crabs, Osseous Rex, and most often “those big slow things that drop a million stinking eggs every couple months.”

Their forward crawl is only slightly faster than a human’s brisk walking pace, but they continue moving forward as they sleep, require relatively little daily nutrition for their size, and contain a great many (mostly) sterile water-bladders, which expert handlers can funnel a tap into, making them essentially a giant walking fresh water container.

They drink salt water and filter it through their systems, so while they are very useful along coastal regions with little to no fresh water, their specializations make them far too expensive to raise and employ in most other types of environments. Some are kept as curiosities by nobles.


Thanks as usual to Raptie for handling the character coloring and shading on this page!