It all begins on a bad day that hasn’t quite gotten around to being bad just yet.
The name of the comic has multiple layers that will become obvious as the story progresses because IT’S DEEP LIKE THAT, MAN
The name of the comic has multiple layers that will become obvious as the story progresses because IT’S DEEP LIKE THAT, MAN
At no point will anything ruin this perfectly nice day.
Oh boy are you in for a REAL SURPRISE
I’m re watching this from the beginning just because. weh!
Me too.
Me too ^_~
Yeah, this is my third time through. Just keeps getting better.
Why would you want to get rid of mercenary kings?
That game’s fun.
Stumbled upon this randomly and love it, eagerly awaiting more!
And here I am again….. reading from the beginning one of my most favorite web comics.
Well here we are again always such a pleasure… rereading this story once again.
Second time reading through, and still giggling like an idiot through most of it. Rare to find a comic that’s both good art, good story, and really funny in my experience, but this one hits all the notes. ^_^
And now for my third read-through of this comic while waiting for the next page to come out. Agh.
Time to reread the whole comic.
Rereading again because it’s that good.

I guess I’m another in a growing line of ReReads…
“The proof is in the puddin'” they say- so that means this is a good web comic n_n
I can’t believe how long ago this comic started
Where does the time go
7 years strong. Going in for another re-read. Wish me luck!
I travelled back to time to steal your bread! The original bread! The one which started it all! And I will not stop! (:<
…and we are coming up on 10 years since that day, and with all the characters together, we may soon see the plot that began here begin to unfold…