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OOPs #291
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    • jan-pi-ale

      it is made of MEAT!

  2. This reminds me of the notes from Metroid Prime.

    “Subject partially converted by substance.”

    “Subject did not survive the process.”

  3. SpecificYinglet

    Eh, as a Yinglet, de idea zhat we are an Artifically created species is kind of moot. If “Zhat Zhing” is created by Lesser Yinglets as a self defense mechanism, or it comes from de glowy shit in de sky, and we are a cosmic mistake, we don’t remember. We had to borrow language and culture from Humani just to be able to be more zhan what de lesser Yinglets are, culturally. Sure, we might have been able to figure out somezhing in ten thousand generations zhat wasn’t a orgy, but our genesis as a species is unknown to me, and honestly our being “uplifted” (a term taken from Sci-Fi, which my native planet doesn’t have, so Yay Holodeck library!) is of much greater import to me. Zhat we exist at all is a mixed curse/blessing, as I am glad to be alive, even as I am. But to be able to zhink, and to have access to learnings zhat only make we want to learn more, as so many more questions are made for each new idea or learning zhat I kind of get Ran, somewhat in regards to wanting to know more zhan what’s in a book.

    • Wilson

      This may not mean the entire species is an “artificial” creation. For all we know, there was an ancient civilization of Greater Yinglet super-geniuses who made artifacts like this for themselves, but they were cast into the stone age by a civilization-ending cataclysm, leaving only a handful of survivors with no memory or record of their history. Or maybe the memory wasn’t lost, and the council from the old enclaves who sent Narklet to the Valsalian enclave to hunt for artifacts like “that thing” have been hiding deep, dark secrets from the world for centuries.

      In any case, this revelation is sure to inspire a wave of fun theories about who made it, how long ago, and why.

      • SpecificYinglet

        Maybe we did have a Ancient Ying civilization, or not. Earzh Humani have all kinds of stories about Atlantis, or ozher lost civilizations like Romulus, home planet of what used to be de main asshats of de alpha quadrant before zheir star went bang, ending zhem. However, even if Zhat Zhing was simply a way to seed life onto ozher planets, I cannot say zhat it matters to me, nor likely to most Yinglets. To Kassen Akoll, certainly, and de secret to “Zhat Zhing” matters a lot to de Council of Yinglet Asshats, certainly. But what we don’t know is why zhey care.

        Kassen may be a so, so pretty Feemale, zhough so far not a very productive one, egg wise. Where all zhis ends up at, won’t be a major issue for Ying-kind unless zhat zhing becomes far, far more common. And I don’t see zhat happening as de abuse of such a miracle as a weapon is razher likely. De Boss already used it as a weapon in a comic already. https://www.valsalia.com/art-extras/of-ends-and-beginnings/

        And if zhere is a supernatural diety out zhere, guiding Zhat Zhing to special people wizh de potential to alter our people’s lives for de better, remember it was Kassen Akoll who got it. Zo much for saving us wizh brilliance and level-headedness. Kass may be smarter zhan de average Yinglet, but is not beyond what we are capable of, minus for being very stubborn, and earning zhe all time Yinglet record in regards to keeping zhier virginity intact for zheir apparent age.

    • Nyerguds

      I think it’s more likely that it absorbed yinglet DNA, and that primed it to convert someone to match that DNA. And perhaps its purpose was specifically to create the other gender than what it absorbed… which could be useful for creating viable populations.

  4. FlyingDominion

    Because I’m sure several others were wondering too:
    “A teratoma is a rare type of germ cell tumor that may contain immature or fully formed tissue, including teeth, hair, bone and muscle.”

    • Stephen King fans: Remember The Dark Half? That’s what that was.

  5. Wilson

    Oh I see: it is an eye, albeit a half-baked one. I guess this confirms it’s a one-way transmogrification, and Kass isn’t ever going to be human again. That’s a good enough reason for Ran to avoid showing it to Kass for a while.

    • Phlosioneer

      Oh that’s a good point.

    • SpecificYinglet

      Zhat Zhing also followed Lavoisier’s rule about conservation of mass, oddly enough. To become human again, it is likely zhat Kass would need more biological mass to reform a Humani body, eizher dat, or he’d be a infant. (De Internet is a wonderful zhing, no?)

  6. Lenny

    Mmmmyeah, I can see why showing this to Kassen probably isn’t advisable. This image is dealing psychic damage to ME, and I’m not the one who got body morphed by this horror substance. Kassen might suffer a seizure and die on the spot if shown this.

  7. Geeb

    It has to be nanotech, right? This is humanity’s second or third go around at technological civilisation. Wonder what ended the last one…

    • SpecificYinglet

      I zhink Clarke’s second and zhird laws are fully in effect here:
      2: The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
      3:Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

      Zo, magic, science, or supernatural, it is kind of one and de same. Zhat Zhing dat turned Kassen Akoll into a sopretty feemale exists. We know what it does, and that it’s result is stable once activated. But we don’t know a lot more zhan dat. How it works, is zhere someone making it still, or can it be reversed wizhout de risk of looking like de picture above?

      De mechanics of how it happened is interesting, at least to me, but understanding what zhat zhing is, is less important zhan knowing why de Council of Yinglet Asshats wants it so badly.

  8. Drako

    Kinda reminds me of a Sarlacc Pit.

  9. Apple_Boy

    Behold the glory of yinglet potatoes.

  10. jan-pi-ale

    perhaps zhat zhing relies on the structure of a human to create the structure of a yinglet

    • jan-pi-ale

      if it had a log it would be filled to zhe brim

    • SpecificYinglet

      I’d zhink Isher would be in for testing if she could be turned Yinglet. Certainly her sex life would improve drastically if it worked.

  11. jan-pi-ale

    pov: you are soil, chilling below a dinnish bunkhouse…

    • jan-pi-ale

      man it would be so cool to have an inanimate object become a fully functional yinglet, with memories of being an inanimate object

      • SpecificYinglet

        Somehow, I zhink de inanimate object would be offended

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