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OOPs #297
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Discussion (21) ¬

  1. Sari Maxwell


    • Lenny

      Will his thirst for blood and chaos ever be quenched!?

      • Good luck getting blood out of that stone.

  2. Winterous

    But who put the rock there?

    • jan-pi-ale

      one with the hand sigil?

    • Wilson

      I think Kalgkur has the dexterity to pick up a single solid object like a rock. Even if he doesn’t have the fine motor skills in his arms, he could do it with his mandibles, as we saw him pick up the meat during his Judgment.

  3. Wilson

    This feels like the beginning of a training montage. Will he emerge from wherever he is, after some great number of years, having mastered the art of getting extremely close but not touching people? Or will he be interrupted by “real life” before he makes much progress? Bless Kalgkur’s gigantic heart, he’s becoming my favorite character in Valsalia.

    • We’re gonna need a montage!


      • Wilson

        🎵 In anything if you wanna go from just a beginner to a pro you need a montage!🎵 😆

  4. Apple_Boy

    Now there’s an idea. He’s sitting there actually pondering the exact muscle operations he has to go through. Maybe that’s just baxxid logical mindset where he’s figured out the math do the thing, but maybe they don’t have an autonomous nervous system quite the same way humans do? Like we don’t think “move, ye arm!”, we just move the arm. What if they have to manually think about and control their muscles, perhaps even for something like the beating of their hearts?

    • Wilson

      I imagine they experience the world rather like the amazing real-would savants who, while recovering from a traumatic brain injury, miraculously develop conscious access to the parts of their brains that normally do all the math of perception unconsciously. With conscious access, they can “see” math in the world and use it do stunning feats of calculation almost effortlessly.

  5. Drako

    Is this the beginning of Baxxid kung-fu?

  6. jan-pi-ale

    feels like it shows up in akregator one day after it’s on the site

    • jan-pi-ale


    • Usually feed aggregators work on a schedule of every few hours or a day, unless it has a webhook to trigger a check.

      • jan-pi-ale

        thanks! but it shows the comments first and then the comic

        • The comments have a separate feed. It probably won’t try to update both of them at the same time, unless they happened to be setup for aggregation at the same time.

          • jan-pi-ale


  7. Wilson

    🎵 In anything if you wanna go from just a beginner to a pro you need a montage!🎵 😆

    • Wilson

      Man I wish I could edit or delete my own duplicate comments. Oh well.

      … Always fade out in a montage…If you fade out it seems like more time had passed in a montage …

    • jan-pi-ale

      sung to the tune of wonderwall

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